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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
season one episode one

vivian started playing with her fingers as more and more time went on and john b hadn't resurfaced yet. she bit the inside of her cheek and crouched down next to jj. the girl leaned over the side, trying to peer into the water but a strong arm withheld her from moving further forward. with her brows raised she turned her head to look at the blonde next to her, "i can swim, maybank."

jj removed his arm to hold up both his hands "just saying," he shrugged. "you'd block the view." at his words vivian raised her brows, "block the view of what? the water?"

"guys," kiara looked at them, causing them to fall silent. "this constant bickering of you two isn't helping, alright?" jj scoffed, lowering his hands to run one through his hair. the group focused back on the water when eventually pope decided to speak "should we go get him?"

"no, no," vivian shook her head, "that's even more dangerous, what if-" but the girl's sentence got cut off by the sound of water splashing and john b coming back up, "jesus."

"oh my god, that took forever!" kiara exclaimed as the group watched john b bop in the water, slightly coughing because of the lack of oxygen a moment ago. "any dead bodies?"

"looting potential?" jj asked while pulling the anchor back on the boat. the boy in the water shook his head "no, no, i found this motel key." and just like he said, a key was in his hand.

murmurs of disappointment were passed throughout the group while john b climbed back onto the hms pogue. "hey, we should probably report this to the coast guard," vivian spoke as pope started the boat. "who knows, what if there's a reward for finding it?"

"yeah right," jj scoffed as he leaned his arm on the small railing in front of the steering wheel, "like you need a finder's fee." vivian rolled her eyes at his words.

"hold on, she's right." kiara shrugged while she sat down at the front of the boat, "we could get some cash, not work all summer."

a collective smile passed the group and they continued sailing back towards mainland when jj cheered, "thanks, agatha, ya batch!"

⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚

the coast guard area was even busier than before, loads of people present to report their missing properties because of the storm that had hit. the two girls of the group stayed behind and opted to wait while pope made his way towards the big information board.

vivian watched as the other two boys made their way inside towards the help desk. her eyes landed on the blonde, who was smiling and throwing an arm around his friend's shoulder. "i knew you liked attention, but this is just a whole new level." kiara's voice pulled her out of her trance, "what?" she turned to look at the other girl.

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