Chapter 2: Margo

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Margo had put on the nicest clothes she had to meet with Louis and even a bit of makeup since she wanted to make a good impression.

Jessica had teased her, asking if she was going to meet a family member or going on a date. "The guy looks like one of those Oxford graduates, so I'm trying not to stand out so much."

Jessica laughed and rolled her eyes as she got ready for work. "Alright, whatever you say."

Margo sighed and headed out, making sure that she made it to the cafe a couple minutes earlier than the planned meeting time. However, even though she was early she still recognized the slender but kind face and neatly combed blonde hair that matched Louis' profile picture. He was already sitting at a table inside, skimming through the menu. 

Margo took a deep breath before entering the cafe and approached the well groomed man.

"Louis Freeman?"

The blonde perked up as he heard his name and stood to greet Margo with a toothy grin. He was wearing a fine royal blue suit with a bright yellow collared shirt underneath. He was the epitome of an elite white man, but Margo held back any sinical remarks. Instead, she gave him a polite smile.

"Margarite Hughes, I presume?"

Margo's lip twitched at the use of her proper name. It was the one thing her mother gave her that she hated. It was somehow more irking when Louis said it with his prim English accent.

"Just Margo, please." "Margo, it is then. Please, have a seat and order anything you like. My treat." Margo's smile became more genuine as her cousin offered to pay for her food.

She took a seat across from Louis as he returned to his own. "You have no idea how thrilled we were to find out you exist--" "We?" Margo raised a brow as she interrupted his statement.

"Oh, my apologies, I'm absolutely terrible at keeping things to myself. The whole Freeman clan knows about you." A lump formed in Margo's throat as she wasn't entirely sure how to respond to learning that there were more Freemans out there.

Louis seemed to have noticed the brunette's discomfort as he gave her an apologetic look. "I am terribly sorry Margo. I didn't realize the news would be so overwhelming for you."

Margo shook her head in response and returned to her natural expression. "No, no, it's okay. I just didn't know there was more of you. My mother's side was always secretive about their heritage, so I wasn't expecting many living relatives."

Margo looked down at the menu to avoid any awkward eye contact. Louis gave her a patient smile in return.

"I suppose you wouldn't. If you knew nothing about the Freemans, then it only makes sense that you'd be overwhelmed by the news." Margo glanced up at Louis' green-grey eyes. Somehow his earnest smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Yeah, it's always been just me and my mom. My dad left when I was six and my grandparents were never the talkative types." Louis noticeably leaned forward at the mention of Margo's immediate family.

"And how is your mother, if you don't mind me asking?" Margo could feel her breath catch as the man brought up her mother. She blinked a bit to hold back tears as she tried to form the words.

"My mother passed four months ago...cancer." Her voice was a bit shaky as she spoke. She honestly just wanted to leave now or risk crying in front of a complete stranger. She could feel Louis take her hand, but she absolutely refused to look directly at him until she could regain her composure.

"I am so sorry, dear girl. I can't even fathom how devastating it must be to lose someone so close to you, let alone your own mother." Margo took a deep hitched breath in response to what seemed to be earnest condolences.

She finally composed herself enough to look him in the eyes again and spoke more clearly. "Thank you. It has been hard, but I have my art to keep my mind occupied." She desperately grasped for a change of subject and thankfully Louis obliged.

"You're an artist?" Margo gave him a grateful smile and pulled out her phone to show him pictures of her work. 

"Yes, it's not exactly gallery worthy, but that has never bothered me. My art is my escape. I don't need validation for it." Louis scrolled through her phone, taking in the range of pieces Margo had done, from landscapes to more abstract and metaphorical subjects.

"These are all beautifully done. I can tell you put a lot of care and effort into these. It's truly a shame that no gallery will accept them." Margo became much more relaxed at Louis' compliments and took back her phone. "Thank you, Louis. That means a lot."


Louis and Margo spent about an hour or so talking after ordering their lunch.

According to Louis, the birth of Margo's grandfather had been quite a scandal within the Freeman line. Her great grandmother had been engaged when she had an affair with a butler that worked for her. She had become pregnant with his child and the Freemans had to keep it secret from her betrothed. Once her grandfather was born, his father was forced out of the household along with him and they fled to America to avoid disgrace. Her great grandmother still married her betrothed and the rest was history.

Despite all the scandal behind her grandfather's birth, the Freemans were ecstatic to find Margo. It was honestly kind of refreshing to Margo that the Freemans didn't seem to be interested in such drama and didn't hold any grudges.

"So, you're here on business from the UK?" Louis nodded as he swallowed what was in his mouth. "Yes, just meeting a client who is interested in moving to the country. Boring real estate talk, really."

Margo nodded, small talk was never her forte, but she didn't want to ask anything too personal. "I've always wanted to visit England. My mom wanted to go to reconnect with family, but I've always been more drawn to the scenery there."

Louis perked up at Margo's words and gave her his brightest smile. "You're interested in visiting Britain? Splendid! A cousin of ours is actually marrying an old friend of the family's in three weeks. You should come."

As he spoke, Louis pulled out his phone and showed the girl a picture of a too beautiful couple. Panic began to well up inside Margo from the prospect.

"Oh, no, I couldn't. I have no money for the trip, and I'd hate to impose. There's really no way I could leave my roommate for three whole weeks, either. We have rent and other bills to pay for." Margo grasped for any excuse she could to not go as she felt she might have a meltdown just thinking about meeting so many people on such short notice.

"Nonsense, the Freemans will take care of all your expenses. If rent is a problem, we have no qualms with lending you what you need to make ends meet. We're all so excited to be able to meet you, Margo. It would mean the world to granduncle Samuel if you attended. He's 96 you see and doesn't have long left in life. Won't you grant an old man his dying wish and meet him before he goes?"

Margo's jaw nearly dropped at how persistent Louis was about her going along with his invitation. He had even brought up a possibly decrepit old man that was laying on his deathbed to convince her.

She clenched her fist and let out a defeated sigh. It wasn't often that a total stranger was so desperate to convince her to go on a trip that he'd even offer to pay for her rent and plane tickets to allow her to go. "Are you sure I wouldn't be intruding?"

Margo felt like she heard a K.O. bell ringing in her head as she saw Louis' expression brighten. He took both her hands in his in gratefulness. "Absolutely! If you feel the need to pay us back for the loan, I'm sure the bridesmaids would appreciate having help set up the wedding as well."

Margo closed her eyes and breathed deeply through her nose. Of course there was a catch. She should have known better than to expect free rent without any strings attached. There was no turning back now, though. She gave him a stiff smile as she had played right into his hand.

"Great, when do we leave?"

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