Chapter 13: Margo

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At around sunset, Deloris came to fetch Margo for the party. She suddenly started feeling very nervous as she had no idea how the other families would react to a total stranger being in their midst.

"You will be fine, miss. The master will be your escort and he will take the brunt of the conversations. And, if I'm not mistaken, the Maids of honor have quite taken to you, so they will most likely monopolize your time." Deloris tried to help soothe the clearly anxious girl as they walked.

"You're right, you're totally right. I just am not used to this kind of crowd. I really don't want to make anything awkward and steal the spotlight from the bride and groom."

"Oh, Ms. Christy and Sir Darren will not be attending tonight. The poor dear is terrible with crowds. Only the Freemans will be attending the actual wedding. The Warrens and Manuels are only here for tonight to present gifts for the happy couple and a traditional dinner the night before the wedding."

"So, it's a small wedding? It's awfully nice of Darren to accommodate for his bride." Margo was becoming slightly jealous of all the sweet couples she was seeing around the manor. She then thought about Deacon and how kind he was to her.

"We're here, miss. Just wait here and I'll let the announcer know you've arrived. He'll call your name and you just step on through that arch." Margo was only vaguely listening to the directions Deloris was giving her as she was captivated by the outside platform that served as the party area in the backyard.

The platform itself was made of sturdy glass paneling and was lined with LED lights that provided a soft under glow. There were wooden beams lined around the platform with basic hanging lights that provided more of a warm glow. Where she was standing now there was a hedge arch with gorgeous white roses adorning it. It was oddly simple considering the kind of people who were attending, but Margo found it absolutely charming.

"Presenting, Margo Hughes." She snapped out of her enchantment as she heard her name and pulled her best strut onto the platform. She instinctually made her way to Louis since she hadn't spotted her escort or the two women she had met earlier.

"You look just stunning tonight, Margo. I see that Alice has gotten to you." Louis gingerly kissed Margo's cheek in greeting after speaking. "Yeah, she was very enthusiastic and cute." She smiled as she thought of the bubbly blonde. 

"Presenting, Alice Warren and Sorina Manuel." The two women were announced and strode onto the platform while linking arms. The crowd saluted them in unison with the same three fingers to the lips greeting Margo had witnessed at the family reunion. She was beginning to wonder if the three families took part in some kind of elite club, because the greeting was way too distinct not to notice.

"Presenting, Lord Deacon Sinclair." Margo perked up as she heard the name of her date for the night. However, before she could meet him, the two women approached her. Alice giving her a giddy hug while Sorina gave her a wry smile.

"Hello again, Margo! Sorina and I wanted to chat with you for a bit before Deacon tries to steal you away from us." Alice spoke plainly but in a very peppy tone. "Would you like a drink?" The blonde linked arms with Margo and practically dragged her towards the open bar that was set up towards the side of the platform. "We'll take good care of her in your place, Louis" Sorina addressed the man before walking alongside them, watching in amusement.

"Try not to be too pushy, darling. We don't want to scare away the poor thing." The taller of the three women teased the blonde playfully. "Oh, it's no trouble at all. I would love a drink, actually. My nerves have been really getting to me." Margo cut in, hoping not to put a downer on Alice's mood.

"Don't be intimidated by this lot, dear. You're one of us now." Sorina grabbed one of the two glasses that contained a red liquid as she spoke. "She's right, you know. There's no need to be nervous. If it makes you more comfortable though, you can just swing with us." Alice chimed in as she grabbed the other glass and requested a Moscato for Margo. "I hope something sweet suits your taste." "Oh, yeah, that's perfect actually. I'm not a huge fan of champaign and I could not name any kind of fancy aged wine."

Alice giggled and handed Margo the white wine. "It's quite alright, hon. You don't have to learn that kind of stuff to be a part of the family. We're more interested in learning about the truest you." Margo chuckled nervously at how eager Alice was to get to know her.

"Alice, dear, you're coming on too strong. Margo is clearly not as outgoing as you are. Be patient, darling, like you would with a feral cat." Sorina placed a comforting hand on the other brunette's shoulder. "Please excuse her, she just gets very excited meeting new people. Our families are very tight knit, so we don't get to meet new blood very often." "It's all good, really. I just don't know what I could offer such beautiful women like you two..." The taller woman laughed and slid her hand to Margo's waist, pulling her a bit closer.

"My goodness, you are simply adorable, kitten. You do not have to offer us anything. You are interesting as yourself. I noticed that lovely little painting in your room that was against the vanity mirror while we were doing you up. Did you paint that yourself?" 

Margo took a sip of her drink, trying to hide how red her face must have been just then. Sorina was very much a flirt, and her words and actions had a great effect on the bisexual girl.

"Y-yes, I painted that as a gift for the wedding. I didn't have a lot of time, but I also didn't want to bring nothing, so I kept it simple and small." Margo was very much thankful when Deacon finally made his way to the group of women.

"I am so sorry, I kept you waiting Margo. I had to greet the guests. Sorina, I hope you haven't sunk your fangs too deep into my partner for the evening." The woman smirked at the comment and removed her hand from Margo's waist. "Jealousy doesn't suit you, Deacon. You can have her for tonight. But be careful~ I just might steal her away while you aren't paying attention."

"I, um...wait..." Margo's brain felt like mush as it seemed Deacon and Sorina were having a stare down. "Don't mind Sorina, dear. She just likes to rattle Deacon a little. It was really nice talking to you again. I'm sure we will get to talk in a more casual setting before the wedding, so you can be more relaxed." Alice snuck the other girl a kiss on the cheek, prompting the other two to return their attention to them.

"I figured that would get your attention." Alice giggled cheekily and stood at Sorina's side. "Go have fun, Deacon. I'll keep Sorina occupied." "You have my thanks, Alice. Now, may I have this dance, Margo? I believe a couple's dance is about to begin." Deacon offered Margo his hand as he spoke.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind at all. See you later, girls." Margo took Deacon's hand and allowed him to guide her to middle of the platform where the dancing was taking place. She really needed a distraction to take her mind off the odd and confusing interaction she somehow got mixed in between the three.

"You seem really tense. Sorina and Alice didn't make you uncomfortable, did they?" Deacon spoke in a hushed voice as he led Margo in the dance. "What? No, no, not at all. I'm just, having a hard time adjusting to this kind of atmosphere, I guess. Being surrounded by strangers, staying in a place I never could have imagined staying in before, some nights I don't sleep very well...I just...I don't know. You, Louis and Deloris have all been trying to help me adjust, but it's just kind of overwhelming." 

Deacon listened intently to Margo's concerns then seemed to be contemplating something. "Would to sneak away with me? After the dance? There's someplace I'd like to show you and I think you'd find it much more inviting than this party."

"Wait, aren't you the host? Is it really okay for you to just sneak away?" "Of course. I see these same people all the time. What I want right now is for you to feel more at ease being here and I think I know just the place that will help you do that."

"Well...okay. If you're sure it's fine." Shortly after Margo gave her reply, Deacon snuck her away from the platform and headed towards what looked like a large sunroom that looked out towards the rose maze.

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