Chapitre Un - Le Début

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(Before we begin I would like to acknowledge that I did not spell chapter or one wrong. It's in French, life the title, and it still means Chapter One "Chapitre Un". No offence but, I you are dumb enough the answer is No, the rest of the book is not in French, it is in American English. Sorry if this came off as snarky. Anyways I hope you enjoy the book.)

I grasp the door handle and twist it, unlocking the door to the house. The moment I walk in the house I see Erika passed out on the couch, with at least 4 other girls lying right down beside her. 

Further in I see the whole house is a mess, destroyed even. Erika had told me last night she was going to throw a party, but I didn't expect this to be the outcome. 

I walk further into the house, daring to take off my shoes, and see that the house is littered with trash and bottles. Who knows, there might as well be a dinosaur living amongst all of the garbage thrown everywhere. I mind no attention and leave my way to head upstairs, taking one-by-one steps up the dusty wooden steps. 

I sigh. Dreading what on god's green earth could be behind my door, but nevertheless I open it anyway. Inside my room was surprisingly, untouched, it hadn't been tampered with at all as far as I could see. This is unusual, even for Erika. I don't mind it and take a seat on my bed, wrapping myself in the comfort of it, being able to smell the floral scented newly washed blankets. While having it not be tainted by the horrid stench of alcohol.

I get caught up in being able to be home in my own comfort, that I forget what time it is, and find myself falling asleep.


The vibrations from my phone shake me awake. I get startled and my phone starts slipping out of my hands before I finally catch it and see who it is:


Jaiden had always been the odd one out in the family, besides my parents. Me and my sister had each other, and I get that we're both in turn as siblings also have Jaiden, but for some reason we never got that bond. Now, me and Erika barely even see Jaiden, he's always at some other girls' house, it's honestly always a mystery where he is, because it's a new girl every week.

Thinking further into it, me and Erika have basically become each others' parents. Our mother moved to China almost three years ago, and ever since then she's been no contact with the family. On the other hand, my fathers' always on business, at this point he should just move to Boston if he's going to be there all of the time for work. Other than those two, the rest of the family is in Canada, but me and my sister can't afford the money to leave the country.

Money has usually never been a problem for us, but more recently it has. The bills have been rising recently and our father only sends enough for those and occasionally repairs to the house if needed. The rest of everything else is up to me and Erika. Erika is 19, and she's the one going to work, she would've left for college but she said she felt bad leaving me here alone. So while Erika is at work, I'm at school, and enough money to pay the bills, a below minimum wage paycheck, and a student, is just barely enough for us to survive.

On top of this, me and Erika are responsible for paying for both the car and food. I swear with how much Erika loves to go places with her friends, we just end up paying more and more. Which is the sole reason why I use a bike to get to school, because I am not also working so Erika can go to more parties.

I pick up the ringing phone and answer, "Hello?" I ask.

Jaiden sounds exhausted on the other end, "Hi."

"What are you doing at..." I check the time, "1:30 in the morning?"

Jaiden's voice really sounds like he's really been through something, "Could you pick me up?"

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