Chapitre Deux - Douleur

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(TW: Use of a homophobic slur)

(Ty for reading the warning)

I jolt awake and wipe the tears off of my face, "Serena..." I whisper.

It takes me a while to realize I'm not the only one in my room. There seems to be a dark shadowy figure in the corner of my room near my door, with its arms crossed. 

The figure scoffed, "You're awake."

The voice disturbs me so much I can't help but to scream without my control, and I fall onto the floor, my head smashes directly into the floor. I shuffle myself backwards with my hands until I'm pressed against the opposite corner of my bed, leaning as far away as I can from the figure. 

The voice talks to me again, "I'm sorry for disturbing you." The figure comes out of the darkness and walks over to me, crouching over to me, holding his hand out, "I'm Reece, pleased to meet you, consciously."

I stand up by myself and cross my arms, "I can stand by myself. And what're you doing in my room?"

Reece sighs, "Nevermind your introduction. Anyways, I'm in your room because Jaiden fought me last night, so I was basically kicked out. And I feel uncomfortable around your sister. So I came in here, I thought there was no harm if I stared in the corner."

I doubt what he says is true, "You said you were Reece?"

"Yes, that is correct."

I think long and hard about any "Reece" I know. Jaiden has a couple of friends: Alan, Jamie, Luca, Jason, Daniel, Aiden, Stephen, and May. My sister doesn't have any male friends so who could this be, "I take it you know my brother."

He nods, "Yes, Jaiden Lawrence?"

"That's right. He never told me about a 'Reece'."

Reece chuckles, "Jaiden and his friends don't call me Reece, they think it's too feminine and shit. They think it's too much with me wearing skirts, god forbid my name is Reece, so they call me May. As if it's better."

The dots finally connected. Jaiden told me all the time about his friend "May" and how he and the friend group all agree to "change" May in someway. I remember the story Jaiden told me about how "May's" name was embarrassing and they wanted to change it for him, they also complained about how "May" dressed.

I look back at Reece, "I remember you now, I'm sorry."

He looks very confused, "Why are you sorry?"

"For how my brother and his friends treat you."

The confused look stays, as if almost being printed on his face, "What do you mean?"

"He often tells me, when he's home-" I pause, contemplating about actually telling Reece, "Let's just say: 'Bad Things' about you."

"Oh," He looks down, "I know."

While he looks down, it gives me a chance to get a look at him. In the morning light his black hair shines, with a single pink stripe going down the side. His green eyes also sparkle in the light, with black eye liner and lipstick. Reece has a very oversized plain black hoodie with a black leather skirt underneath, and about 80% of it is covered. Another notable thing about him is fishnets, around both his legs and arms. I'm scared to look even further to see shoes, and I hate people who wear shoes in our house, but to my pleasure...he took his shoes off. 

"They've done this for a while, it's nothing new, your brother got in a fight with me the other day."

I shake myself from my trance, "Are you alright?"

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