Chapitre Six - Le Garçon-jouet

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(Note from Katrina herself, in this chapter the POV is back to normal. So the POV of Noel, but ja anyways. Slay all Day)

Warning: Use of homophobic slur, brief mentions and suggestions of "R-rated activities"

(It's not that bad, but it's still there)

Brooklyn scoffed in my face as I lay helpless on the ground, "Tsk tsk tsk, dumb little faggot boy, you should've thought twice before deciding to exist today."

I try to back away but Brooklyn stops me by kicking me in the stomach, "Little faggot boy, where are you going?"

Fear filled my eyes as I further tried to escape, but he kicked me in the stomach again, making my arms lunge over my stomach, my back bends forward, and my mouth opens as blood coughs out. 

Brooklyn, seeming disgusted, backs away, "Ew, I don't want Little Faggot Boys little faggot blood to get all over me."

He calls for his friends. Before I know it I have Brooklyn, Jackson, Kyle, and Flynn ganging up on me. Punching and kicking me here and there, insulting me, tearing my clothes up, calling me "Little Faggot Boy".

After about an hour they decide to back off, leaving me alone. I look terrible, blood everywhere, bruises all over me, my clothes threadbare, my face a mess. It takes everything in me not to close my eyes, the suffering is unbareable. I hear the faint sounds of my sister as she comes after me, "Noel? Noel!" 

My eyes grew heavier as she came closer, "Noel! Noel are you okay? Noel who did this to you?"

My eyes roll into the back of my head, everything fading to black. Next thing I hear is my sister crying, talking to a doctor, "Your brother is doing well, he held up strong, honestly for what happened the damage is minimal. Just some broken bones and bruises, most patients are sent into a coma after this. Be proud of your brother for holding up so well."

I could hear the bitterness of Erika's voice as her silent rage was let out on the doctor, "Just because my brother has this less worse doesn't mean it isn't still severe."

My fingers twitched and I could feel the pureness in Erika's voice, "Noel, Noel please don't leave me."

Sweat soaks into the collar of my shirt. The memory clear as day in my head. I remember that day so clear, so vivid and fresh in my mind. I quickly sit up in bed and try to catch my breath. I look to the side of the bed and see Reece has gone missing. Dammit where is he when I really need him?

Not long after I see Reece come back with a plate and a cup. He smiles as he makes his was back over to the bed, "I see you're up early."

"Where were you?" I ask him.

He sits down next to me, letting me cling onto him, making probably both of our faces red, "I was getting a snack for the rest of the movie."

I look up to see another movie playing, this time it's Snow White but Different. I look back at him, "But I missed you, don't leave me."

This time I can feel the blush exhilirating through his veins, "W-w-what did you say?"

Shit, did I really say that? Well, I can't take it back now. "I said that I missed you and to never leave me."

I never expected the next thing to happen ever. 

He leaned into me and kissed me directly on the lips. He didn't stop for a while, but he stopped for a brief moment to take some oxygen before continuing. He further increased the intensity by kissing harder and even taking small bites of my lip, before eventually using the tongue, exploring everything it had to offer. 

I could see the look in his eyes wanting more. I kissed him back as I confirmation kiss, and he continued. Kissing long and hard all over my neck. Decorating my neck with bruises. Before long he started to take his sweatshirt and shirt off. Next was my midriff, then both of our shorts, leaving us almost bare. 

Sparing details, the rest of clothing became unnecessary, and things took a deep turn. Innocence was lost forever in the both of us, but it was one of the best times of my life. Something I will never forget. Something I enjoyed so much. It went on for a while, only stopping when I started to fall asleep. But by then, the sun had started to rise.


 My eyes start to flutter awake as I see Reece playing with my hair next to me. I pull the covers further up on me and look into Reece's wonderful green shimmery eyes staring into mine. "Good morning." I continues to twist and brush my hair.

"Good morning, Mr. Stared At Me While I Was Asleep And Stayed In My House For 3 Days And Fucked Me, how are you?"

He giggles at the name, "I feel amazing, Mr. Hottest Person Alive."

His name makes my cheeks warm, heart melt, and chest flutter. I felt so many emotions right now, mainly happiness and love. But a hint of anxiousness, wondering his true motives. But with the way he's really been, I think he actually does like me. And I'm okay with that, because I think I may be ready to come to my senses, and have a good lapse in judgement. I think I like him too. I smile at him, simply saying, "Ditto."

He smiles back at me and rolls out of bed, putting his clothes back on. I continue to smile at him, "Do you need fresh clothes?"

He looks back at me, "Yeah that would be helpful."

I wrap a blanket around my waist and close the doors of my walk in closet. Dressing myself in a white midriff, with a plain yellow sweatshirt over it, soft pink shorts, and pink and white striped knee-high socks. 

Now for Reece, hmm I browse all of the clothes in my closet, and end up picking out a full black outfit consisting of a skirt, midriff, and sweatshirt. I hand it to him as I come out of the closet, "Do you think this'll do?"

He takes the clothes and nods with a wide smile at me, "Yes, yes I do."

I give him some time to change and in the mean time head downstairs, seeing Erika there, and surprisingly...Jaiden as well. Jaiden's on the couch watching TV and Erika is in the kitchen, which is open to the dining room and living room, cooking breakfast. Erika looks up at me as she hears my footsteps down the stairs and over to her. 

She looks at me, looking focused at not my eyes, "Who did that?" She points to my neck.

"Who did what?" I ask.

She sighs and shows her camera to me on her phone, showing me a reflection of myself. I see my neck spotted with bruises from last night. My eyes widen at the sight as I try to cover it up.

She pulls my sweatshirt down, "No no no, don't hide it," She stares into my soul, "Spill."

Reece comes downstairs and stands behind me, seemingly happy. Erika's glare turns to him, "Those are your clothes," She points at me, she grabs Reece by the collar and pulls him towards me, "Did you do this to him?"

He nods slightly, "Yes..."

She starts to have a sinnister grin, "Oh you're gonna regret it!" She starts to pull her fist back to punch him.

I try to stop her, crying out, "Stop don't hurt him!"

She shoves me back, forcing my back to crash against the oven, "Shut up! You don't know what he did!"

As I hit the oven, something starts to fall of of it, something hot, something smoldering, something dangerous.



Heya! Let me know your suggestions, comments, and thoughts about the story or book. Once again thank you so much for deciding to read this of all things it means so much to me.

Anyways, don't forget to slay all day.

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