Chapitre Cinq - Ma Sortie

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(Hello there Katrina speaking. This chapter is from the point of view of Reece. This change in POV is only for this chapter, it will return to normal next chapter. This may be something that occurs later in the book. But I will inform you when there is a POV change. Anyways, Chibi out, slay.)

Reece's POV:

I stand anxiously at the front door, waiting for someone to open it. Someone does eventually open the door, Noel?

Of course it's him. I've only known him for about a couple of days, yet every chance I get I still find myself crushing all over him. I wave in a shy and sad manner, "Hi."

"Hello...what are you doing here?" He asks. I walk into the house and he takes me upstairs into his room. 

I sit down next to Noel on his bed, "I just wanted to apologize...for everything." Memories of the night before go through my mind, "I'm sorry for being in your room randomly. I'm sorry for the situation with me sleeping with you. And I'm sorry for everything that happened at school. I know I caused this, and I know you don't like me, I just felt like I should apologize to you."

"Don't be sorry, if I really wanted it...I would've kicked you out already, yet here we are." He tries to assure me.

I don't know what it is but I think he's lying. "I-"

He quickly puts his finger over my mouth, forcing me to stop talking, and making my face heat up like a stove. His touch is comforting, but it makes my head whirl just imagining about him.

He speaks up, "I don't want you blaming yourself for my feelings." He puts his finger down and continues to speak, "I feel like I owe you an explanation."

Explanation? No that's what I owe you, and an apology. Everything that's been going on is my fault. "For what?"

"School. I felt flustered about last night, and seeing you made my mind go crazy, so I left. I'm sorry about that."

I turn away from him, "It's okay, I understand."

We sit there in silence for a little while before I start conversation again, "Do you have any updates on your brother?"

He sighs, "No, he's probably at some chick's house. I'm sorry about my brother. You know him, he's not one to apologize."

At first I'm confused by that remark but then I remember yesterday, when Jaiden had called me a faggot. "It's okay, it happens often enough-"

He interupts me by hugging me tightly. I feel shocked, flustered, even by his actions. His embrace makes my face go warm as I enjoy the moment I have with him. He leans to my ear and whispers, "But it shouldn't."

I keep enjoying the embrace, thinking about if I should actually confess or not. But first, I should ask him something, just so I have knowledge about him, so I can know if my odds of actually being able to be with him are there or not. "I want to ask you something."

I push out of the hug and he looks at me, "Yeah?"

I hold my breath, not quite ready to ask,  "I don' to...ask this." I remember that night when I was watching him, Damn he was so hot, I remember I stumbled upon a paper with some sort of code on it. I knew eventually it may be useful so I decided to copy it down in my notebook. I pulled out a piece of pen and paper and asked my question in code. Are you gay?

I write down:

🜁♍︎♄ ♁♊︎♐︎ ♂🜁♁?

He looks at the paper in shock, "How did you know this?"

Know what, you being gay? "Is that a yes?"

He sighs,  "Not the words, Reece, the code. How did you know the code?"

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