Chapitre Trois - Première Rencontre

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My eyes flutter awake, I can still feel Reece's hands which means he's definately still next to me. I turn over and see that an unrecognizable Reece was smiling directly at me, "I see you've awoken."

"How long have you been staring at me for?"

Reece looks around, "At least a half hour, I'm sorry, I can't help it."

"Help what?"

He smiles at me and pushes my hair out of my face, "Staring."

"Why are you like this?" I stare at him.

"Like what?"

"Oh please, don't act like you don't know." I dare not blink at him.

He tries to hide his face, "It's nothing, honestly."

"Are you sure?"

My own thoughts drown out Reece's response. Wait, what the fuck is happening? And why am I letting it slide? Ever since yesterday I lost my common sense. There was a literal stranger in my room and now he's in the same bed as me. What kind of psycho behavior is this? What has possessed me? I need Jesus.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go, I have school in 'soon'." I throw the blankets off of me and get up.

Reece looks up at me, "Same, would you like me to take you?"

I consider refusing the offer as I don't know this person, but since Jaiden is gone, Erika is probably at work, and I'm not taking my bike one more day. I accept, "Could you? It would mean a lot."

"Of course, it's no big problem. It's the least I could do to repay you for last night." He brushes it off, grabbing his stuff and waiting for me to be done getting ready. I rush around the house: cleaning, changing, eating. The whole nine yards, before I see Reece again. 

Reece is in his typical outfit now: his black makeup, shiny hair, fishnets, baggy sweatshirt, and black skirt. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I still can't put together why I've been acting the way I am around Reece, someone I've never met ever before. I must be on drugs, because why the hell else would I be acting like this?

Reece leads me to his car, parked in the driveway. I slide into the passengers' seat, and Reece starts the car.

The car ride is silent until Reece asks me a question, "Why did you agree for me to take you? Don't you have another way to get to school?"

I avoid eye contact and look out the window, "Jaiden is somewhere and Erika is at work. I could've rode my bike to school, but I don't know why I took your offer."

The car turns, "I see..." He pauses, and sighs, "I'm so sorry about last night, I should've just gone home, I know you were trying to be nice...but I took it too far. I apologize."

My hands wave in forgiveness, "Please, don't be. I don't think you took it too far."

He glares at me, "Really? We barely even know each other, and who knows if we're ever going to meet again?"

I sigh, "I know I know, but..." I pause, considering for once actually telling the full truth, "I hope we meet again."

"Really? You really do?"



After me and Reece got to school, he parked in the parking lot and got out with me. I thanked him and started to head into school, but I could see him following me. 

I stopped and turned around, "What are you doing?"

Reece smiles at me, "Going to school, and you?"

"Same but..." I pause, "You go here? I've never seen you."

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