Chapitre Huit - Le Voir Me Fait Mal

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It's been three days since that night, and I haven't felt better. I feel sad not seeing Reece, but I know that some people need time after decisions and certain actions, so I give him some space. 

I'm currently in my fourth period class, staring at the clock until the clock hits the time where I finally am able to go to lunch. Hopefully there I'll be able to see Reec- My thoughts are interupted by the bell ringing as many students storm out into the halls, rushing to get to lunch. I can't contain my joy as I walk to lunch, I can't wait to see Reece, he always makes me feel happier. 

But my happiness becomes shattered as I walk into the canteen, there he is, the boy himself. Reece. 6' 1", goth beauty and all, pinning some 6' 0" jock against the wall, making out with him. My heart shatters as I see him doing that, did what we do mean nothing to him? Do I mean nothing to him? I drop my lunch right on the ground and storm out of the canteen.

I don't know where I'm going, but wherever I'm going is going to be away from the fuckboy and jock, I can't stand to see his face for five more seconds. I end up walking to a random room, with some blue letter labels on it, but some are peeled off, barely visible. It reads: "Entry to Roof"

I don't know what gets into me, but I decide to open the door. Inside is a pitch black room with a small staircase, cobwebs everywhere, and loose cleaning supplies littering the room. I storm up the creaky, rotten, old wood stairs and shove the dusty metal trap doors open that led to the roof. 

Up on the roof there appears to be no one at all. I take a seat on the edge of the huge three story school and my feet dangle off of the building, my bag beside me. I finally decide I can't handle the grief anymore, seeing someone I loved so much turn me away and get with someone else so fast fucking fucked with me. 

I unzipped my bag as I hear footsteps near me, I turn around and see a guy. Around 5'10" (still taller than my 5'4") he has short black hair with blonde highlights---making it appear silver---, he has some black leather platform boots with some random buckles and decorations on it, he has plain black sweatpants with a little logo of a P with wheat, he has his right ear pierced (nice) with a black diamond shape earing, and a cropped black hoodie. 

He takes a seat next to me, I can't ignore his beauty but I try to, remembering what happened to me I need time to heal before I start crushing on another boy. I grab something I haven't in months and do something I haven't done in years: drink. I pull a full bottle of vodka out of my bag and pop the cork off, having it fall off of the roof. I take a swig of the vodka and feel the burning going down my throat, it feels painful, but it distracts me from Reece.

I look over to the guy next to me, as he's lighting a cigarette, Oh wonderful we both have problems.

He notices me, "Hey, princess."

I look over to him, and take another swig, feeling the burning again, "Hi."

He smiles at me, "Have problems too?"


He moves closer towards me, "You can tell me, I won't tell anyone. I hate people, my siblings hate me, and my parents are homophobic. I talk to no one, I live in the attic of Freshfoode, but don't tell anyone, cutie."

I take another swig, "I promise I won't tell either. Anyways, I'll tell you," I take another swig preparing myself for horrid memories to come up again, "I caught someone 'cheating' on me, I guess."

"Yeah, that's always really hard. Who's the guy?" He asks.

I sigh, "Reece May."

He starts chocking, and clears his throat, "Oh my god. He always does that, I'm so sorry for you cutie."

I take another swig, "Yeah. It hurt even more after he slept with me and literally fucked me, then two days later hits up on another guy."

Tears start rolling down my face as I take another swig, the burning sensation feels soothing. The guy leans over to me and wipes the tears from my face using his hand, "Don't cry, cutie. That bastard isn't even worth crying about."

I blush as he touches me with his soft fingers, "What's your name, cutie?"


He smiles, "Cute name for a cute guy. My name is Kasper. Like Casper the friendly ghost."

"Who?" I ask.

"Casper the friendly Ghost." He repeats, "Have you never seen that movie?"

I shake my head, "No."

"Damn," He says, "Well, cutie, you should come to my house sometime. We'll watch Casper the friendly Ghost just for you."

I smile as he says that, "That sounds great."

He puts the cigarette in his hand and puts it in a random ash tray near the garbage which is near the door to the roof. He comes back and sits next to me. He leans towards me and spreads his arms out, "Come here, cutie."

I fall into his warm embrace. His hands soft around my skin, comforting me with warmth. I take in the scent of Kasper, his smell a mix of detergent, Ariana Grande perfume, and cigarettes. An odd combination but one that still smells at least semi-pleasant. He holds on to me for a couple more minutes before pulling away. 

"Here," He says sliding a piece of paper to me, "See you later."

He grabs his backpack, starts spraying the wonderful smelling perfume all over him, most likely to mask the smell of cigarettes, before leaving.

I sigh and put the bottle of vodka back in my bag, before I find a pack of breath mints in my bag and take a couple to mask up the smell of vodka, so no one could tell I'd been drinking. After the bells rings I exits the roof and no one seems to be suspicious, meaning I was good to go for the rest of the day.


I get home and have Erika replace my bandages. Erika teases, "Where's you boyfriend?"

I look at her with a solemn blank expression, "I honestly don't know," She finishes my bandage replacement, "But I'm going out today."

I head into my room and place my bag on the floor. I take the note that Kasper gave me from my pocket and unfold it to read:

Hey Noel, Cutie

Here's my number: ###-###-####

Meet me at the diner, Frechfoode, at 5

Don't be late

See ya, Cutie

Love, Kasper 'The Friendly Ghost'

My cheeks start to heat up as I read it, I can't wait to see Kasper. But I don't get my hopes up, I know he's not interested, and I know he's probably gonna shatter my heart like Reece did. But his looks, him calling me "cutie", only his right ear being pierced, all of the signs point to yes. But still, I try to keep my hopes low and reasonable.

I check the number that Kasper put on the note and add it to my contacts. Naming the number "Kasper👻" from what he said earlier. 


I quickly get showered, and wash my face, before running back to my room. I have to impress Kasper. I rush into my walk-in closet and choose a white midriff with a stary pattern on it, and black shorts, with some small platform black shoes. I make sure my hair is done nice before I head off.

I stop in the living room and shout to Erika and Jaiden, surprisingly, "I'm leaving now! Taking the car, be back when I'm back!" 

And I run out of the door and hopped into the car, starting it. Soon after I park the car in front of the building labeled "Freshfoode Restaurante" which is next to an apartment building, a spa, an ice cream shop, and a couple of small stores.



Hello. So...what did you think? This chapter was an emotional rollercoaster for me to write. It was really tough for me to put Noel through that but you know I had to. 

So far it seems like Kasper is going to be chosen (confused read description) but will he, or will Reece change. I love to give myself things to stay up about.

Anyways, slay all day, and don't forget it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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