Chapitre Quatre - La Sortie

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I open the front door, low and behold, Reece is standing behind it. He waves, his tone solemn, "Hi."

"Hello...what're you doing here?" Reece walks in the house and I shut the door. I lead Reece to upstairs going to my room.

"I just wanted to apologize...for everything. I'm sorry for being in your room randomly. I'm sorry for the situation with me sleeping with you. And I'm sorry for everything that happened at school. I know I caused this, and I know you don't like me, I just felt like I should apologize to you." Reece sits down next to me as I shut the door.

"Don't be sorry, if I really wanted it...I would've kicked you out already, yet here we are."

"I-" I put my finger over his mouth, stopping him in his tracks, then I continue, "I don't want you blaming yourself for my feelings." I take a deep breath and let my finger go, "I feel like I owe you an explanation."

Reece's face goes puzzled, "For what?"

"School." I answer, "I felt flustered about last night, and seeing you made my mind go crazy, so I left. I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay," He turns away, "I understand."

There's a long silence before he speaks again, "Do you have any updates on your brother?"

I sigh, "No, he's probably at some chick's house." Thinking about what Jaiden said to Reece, I apologize kind of, "I'm sorry about my brother. You know him, he's not one to apologize."

"It's okay, it happens often enough-"

I interupt Reece by hugging him, tightly, and whispering.. "But it shouldn't."

After a while he pulls away, "I want to ask you something."


He holds his breath, "I don' to...ask this." He takes a deep breath and takes a journal and a pen and starts writing something down.

The paper reads:

🜁♍︎♄ ♁♊︎♐︎ ♂🜁♁?

I stared at the paper in shock. As a little child I was obsessed with astrology and alchemy, so I wrote using some of their symbols. The only other person who knew this was Erika, and she had barely used it, it was always me.

I continued to stare at the paper in shock, "How did you know this?"

He laughed, "Is that a yes?"

I sighed, "Not the words, Reece, the code. How did you know the code?"

He giggled again, "This is gonna sound ridiculous but, while you were asleep the other day, I found a piece of paper in your closet, I copied it in mine."

The sentence would be read as:

Ahleh iiohoo jahii?

Which translated would be:

Are you gay?

I got so caught up in how Reece knew this and stopped once I actually read it. I tried to play it off chill, but I was shaking in my boots. I had told no one in the world besides Erika, and that was a secret we were keeping until we became one with the dirt.

"What do you think?" I tilt my head.

He contemplates and looks nervous, "I'm gonna say: No."

I can see why he's apologizing now for everything.

I whisper to him, "Well if you know the Alchemic Code so well: iiohoo bohohl tsohoor hohv miitschahkehn iiohoo ahleh." I laugh before I continue, "Chheh sohllehsch ahntsvehl iits: iiehts, ii ahm."

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