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Tension seemed to boil as you and your duplicate stared at each other. Her stand still waving its small arms around, while yours dropped the blonde president and stood behind you in a protective stance "If you are truly myself, then I am assuming you have a secondary form to your stand" you claimed.

Her wicked smile only seemed to add to your suspicion, her hands landing on her hips in a bold movement "Victim of love will allow me to bewitch you~" The spherical pink stand opened its mouth widely, revealing two hands that emerged from the depths of its mouth.

A grotesque gargle was heard as a new pinkish figure fully embraced the once small pink stand, flinching back in disgust you were appalled as you watched the larger stand consume the smaller pink version.

Before a translucent pink cloud filled the immediate area, the true form of Victim of Love was a slim figure with baggy jeans covering its lower half; while the upper half was a distorted human skeleton. Its ribs are shaped into a heart with the help of the shoulder blades, The arms crossing and landing on the opposite ends of its hips.

Quickly you took some steps back as the pink particles floated around, and a sense of calmness waved over you. Which extremely alarmed you; breaking eye contact you grabbed the blonde who was still on the floor and dragged him to the front door.

Suddenly a familiar cat stand was seen from the corner of your eyes, its hand raised above its head; ready to strike your fleeing form. Your eyes widened as you stared up at Killer Queen, before it could strike your stand emerged and blocked its attack. You felt a sudden presence around your neck, and stepping back you were met with Kira.

"What the hell are you doing?"

He didn't even utter a word, his calm demeanor was chilling, causing you to deal with Valentine closer to you, Kira's eyes were cold as he stared down at you. All while your stands fought. A loud swipe was heard through the air before you felt a sting run down your back.

Looking behind, your eyes crashed with a red pair of eyes, Kars stood not too far away with his bone blade apparent as he licked your blood off his blade. True fear ran through your blood as you realized that they were there to attack you.

In an instant more familiar figures emerged from the darkness, each holding absent faces but sinister auras. You had to think quickly if you wanted Valentine and yourself to be safe.

The main window to the house suddenly broke as a pink-clothed figure flew through to the outside, soon another figure followed not far behind. Both rolled away from the house as the villainous figures withdrew from the now-broken window.

"You got a lot of explaining to do Valentine." 

"So you're telling me you don't know what her stand is or what it can do in terms of power, but you still listened to the others about bringing her here.." Valentine was ashamed to acknowledge his ignorance, especially to you.

"I was coerced into using my stand!" an eyebrow raised as you looked at the blonde as he dramatically pleaded "That is very hard to imagine Funny" The blonde continued with his false pleas while you ignored him and glanced back at the window.

"I knew this would happen" Valentine snapped his mouth shut, his eyes reflecting his fear as he heard what you said "W..What do you mean exactly..?" his voice was soft, almost a whisper as you whipped around to glare at the blonde.

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