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Your (E/c) eyes stared into your reflection as you examined the suit that was given to you as a gift from your grandparents. It seemed to be made from the heavens above as your fingers ran down its soft texture, this is what Kira must have felt when he went to work in his old life. You could feel the power run through your body before you let out a giggle and exited your bedroom bathroom.

Luckily no one was present in your room as you added the finishing touches to your office look before heading down stairs, where most of the villains were watching a movie. Enjoying the silence until Dio perked up at the sound of your footsteps, his red eyes snapped in your direction, obviously eyeing you and your clothing.

"What are you wearing?" Dio asked as he placed down the book that was in his hands, you felt a multitude of eyes staring at you now "I am the familial leader now, so I have to dress as such~" The group of villains watched as you posed in your new black suit in front of them, some snickered at your behavior while others encouraged you.

It wasn't until Pucci lifted a camera up did you pose more well "Here get a photo of me with the book!" you said snatching the book from the other side of the couch before hearing the shutter of the camera, it was obvious you were cheerful as you began leaving the living room towards the door. However you were stopped by a tug from the back of your suit jacket.

"Not so fast, your tie is wrong." Kira said as he led you back to where everyone was, who were snickering at you "Crap, Is it really?" you mumbled as you looked down at the red tie suspiciously. "Here I'll do your tie for you" The blonde killer said as he tilted your head up before attending to your mess "And when would we expect you to be home?" Valentine asked as he leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen.

"I'll be back before you all know it!"

You hadn't bothered to look at the blonde president, but rather stare at the blonde killer in admiration. Something he caught on too as his blue eyes clashed with your own before he covered your eyes with his hand "Hey! Don't ruin my mascara" Kira was quick to fix your tie and removed his hand from your eyes.

Your eyes automatically lowered to your now perfectly fixed tie "Thank you Kira! Well, I better get going or else I'll be late. See ya boys later~" The villains watched as you bid farewell, nearly running into the front door if it wasn't for Kars opening it for you. "She seems brighter than usual.." Pucci said as he placed the camera down, some of the villains nodded before Tooru placed down a stack of singles.

"How much are you all willing to bet on how long you think she'll last?"

"Probably a day."

"I got twenty bucks"

The first day was nothing more than an orientation, if you could even call it that since most of the elders simply told you what type of fruits and teas they preferred. It wasn't until the youngest of the elders interfered and told you what was to be expected and how to choose the right candidate for their replacements "And lastly you will have to be sworn in, though that will be an event itself"

The gray-haired man said as he struggled to keep his eyes open, looking around you wondered how they were even allowed to continue working. Though you decided to keep your mouth shut for now "Of course elder, However I was wondering if I can have a tour of the office..." your request was admittedly followed with nods and mumbles about where to see first.

Not many people were around, most of the people were glued to their computers, while some were seen running around. Which you assumed was to catch up to an upcoming meeting, the office building was nothing new to you whatsoever. You were seeing the elders since you were eight, though at the time you still hadn't manifested your stand and still saw them as old geezers.

You walked in front of the seven older men, eyeing each person who bowed at you before scurrying to their destination. Holding your head high you felt a surge of power run through your veins, though your heart clenched for a brief moment as a blonde woman suddenly bumped into you from your left.

Despite her clumsy entrance, the woman reverted back to her original stance. She was simple looking, nothing truly was enlightening by her appearance. Besides her freckles that fluttered her face. "This is Charlotte, your new assistant.." A voice murmured behind you, the said blonde seemed to be frozen in shock as she stared into your (E/c) eyes.

A slight smile appeared on your face as you greeted her, but something about her seemed to scream out at you. It wasn't until she muttered a soft hello back did it click "Ah so you were the woman who had Daniel wrapped her fingers around?" You said as you stood in front of her, your eyes boring into her fearful brown eyes.

Her stance faltered as your eyes did not blink, you took in her features even further as she gulped before attempting to stand strong, It was obvious she had something to say as she clutched the books closer to her chest. If you weren't in the office you would have assumed she was following you like a stalker.

"Daniel never loved you and if you didn't get involved then we would've been happily married right now." She snared at you, her words were very powerful, as you could hear her voice trembling from the memory of her old lover. You had to admit she was much dumber than you thought, perhaps in some other universe she would have made your heart clench in despair and remorse. However in this one, you simply did not care.

She watched as your face went unchanged, besides a confused expression passed through before it revealed a somewhat tainting smile "Like I wanted that pathetic man to be mine, he was no better than a mutt. So I put him down, and if you don't shut your mouth you might just see him very soon." The blonde woman gasped as she took a step back, you had to refrain yourself from laughing at her expression.

"Leader, Please spare the girl for she had known no better..." one of the elders asked as he bowed behind you. So you decided it was best to cut this conversation short with a simple faint smile to her before turning back to the elders who were all bowing, some were clearly struggling "Please stand, I have no doubt that this child will know better in the future. Afterall we all learn in some way."

Copies of Queen appeared to help the old men from falling over "We will have a new assistant by your side at your command!" One claimed as the golden stand disappeared a second later as the men were in their respective stances.

"No, Keep her. She seems... fun!"

Hey Ya'll,

I just wanted to let you know I'll be gone for a short while since I 'm going on vacation this upcoming week, so no updates until I come back! :3 I should be back by August 4th since I am going to a concert the 3rd!! (You'll never guess who~~)


Have a nice Day/Night :P

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