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Avery's POV

I get up from the couch groaning as I hear Shawn knocking on the door, not once but many times. He is so annoying I swear, i thought as I opened the door

"AVE!" Shawn smiled and hugged me. I couldnt help but smile.

"Awe i made you smile"

"Maybe I did." I shrugged "Why are you here?" I asked, not letting him in

"Can I not see my best frand" He says pronouncing 'friend' as 'frand'.

"And how did you know where I live?!" I practically yelled at him.

He shrugs, "Ive got my ways. Now, are you going to let me in?" He grins and I glared at him. I let out a sigh and open the door for him to get in.

"Why thank you" He said and went directly to the living room. "Wow you living room looks so cozy, I LOVE IT" He added and flopped onto the couch. He then yelled and got up quickly realizing that he sat on the remote. I laughed so hard the poor boy started to blush.

"Sorry!" he squeaked as I turn the tv off

He turned to me, "Hey, lets get to know eachother" He said smiling. I groaned at the idea"Ok you first"

"Fine..Well Im 17,my last name Lockwood, i have a middle name but i dont like it, i have an older brother named Stefan but he is in college and only comes on the holidays, my parents are divorced, i love dogs, uhm i love pizza, love the color black, and Niall Horan is my baby. Thats all I guess." I shrugged Shawn putting his elbow on the top of the couch and his fist on his cheek.

"What?! Thats it? Nah that cant be! Sooner or later I will find out more about you" He said smiling yet again. Man this boy loves to smile.

"Ok what about you" I asked

"My full name is Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. Im 17, i love to play guitar, i sing sometimes i guess, i have a sister named Aaliyah, I love muffins, i HATE tomatoes, i love to listen to music, I guess thats- oh and Im single" He added on.

"You have a lazy eye and a scar on your cheek, it's adorable!" I blurted out and he looked away

"Well this was short but Ive got to go," He said while getting up, I got up too and he pulled me in for another hug.

"Shawn... I cant breathe" I couldnt help but give him another smile. He lets go and looks down at me. Damn he is tall.

"Sorry got a little carried away. okay bye bestie!" He ran to the door

"WE ARENT BESTFRIENDS!" I yelled but as soon as I said that he was out the door. I quickly grabbed my phone,

Avery: We arent bestfriends :/

Shawn's POV

As I was walking home I heard the popcorn text tone and I knew it was Avery, I got my phone out, and read the text

Avery: We arent bestfriends :/

it read, I chuckled and typed back

Shawn: You're right

Shawn: You arent my bestfriend because you are

-my girlfriend ;)

Avery: Never in your wildest dreams.

-Get it??

Shawn: One Direction! very nice

Avery: no but really, never in your wildest dreams

i hope you guys liked this chapter:)

Texting Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now