twenty two

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Avery: Good morning Shawn whats up?

Shawn: The sky
-no im kidding I wanted to ask you if you want to come over for dinner with my family?

Avery: Of course! What time should I come over?

Shawn: 6 would be okay :)

Avery: okay i'll be there!



Shawn: oh shoot okay hold up

*Shawn's POV*

I open the door and see Avery pacing around

"Come in Ave" I open the door completely to let her in but she wouldnt go in

"Im nervous, what if they dont like me?" She was still pacing around, phone in hand and the other in her hair.

"Oh my god Avery you are crazy, now get in here and sit at the table, they will love you, don't worry." I grab her hand and pull her inside.

"Yea okay lets go." She took a deep breath and I gently guided her to the kitchen where my parents and sister were talking.

"Mom Dad Aaliyah, this is Avery."

"Its nice to meet you Aaliyah and Mr and Mrs Mendes." She shyly responded

"Nice to meet you!" my mom and dad answered while Aaliyah just said "Hello!" i smiled at all of them

"Okay well Avery, can you and Aaliyah go set the table? Shawn will take over the food in a minute while i finish this" My gave Aaliyah a pat on the back

"No problem." Avery followed Aaliyah into the dinning room. I started to smile because Aaliyah was almost as tall as Avery. When they were gone I noticed my parents both looking at me.

"What?" I shrugged my shoulders, they just stayed silent.

"Is she your girlfriend?" my dad asked and my mom quickly hit him with the rag

"What? No! Come on I broke up with Laur not to long ago im not ready to date, besides she is just my friend."

"Mhmm" My mom turned around to finish the cooking, and I sat at the counter waiting for her to finish

*Avery POV*

"Soo how did you meet Shawn?" Aaliyah asked as she handed me the plates

"Its kinda weird actually, he texted me and he thought i was Lauren." I started to laugh at the memory

"Did he really? Oh my god Shawn"

"Yea it was pretty weird, i thought he wouldnt text me again but later he did and we became friends!"

"Are you guys dating?" I froze and looked at her

"No! Ohmygod, i just got out of a relationship im not ready, ha."

"You guys would make a cute-"

"Im here with the food!" Shawn yelled barging in with the food in his hands, his prents following.

Everyone chooses a seat and Shawn pulls a chair for me to sit next to him but i decide to sit next to Aaliyah. She chuckles and Shawn just gives me a dirty look.

-After Dinner-

"Thank you for the dinner it was delicious." I thanked both Mr and Mrs Mendes.

"No problem honey." I smile as I start to pick up the dishes

"Dont worry about that Avery, we can take care of that." Shawns mom starts to stand up to take the plates away, I pull them out of her hands.

"Nono its alright I got this." I head into the kitchen to wash the plates.

*Shawns POV*

"She is very polite and lovely Shawn!"

"I know." I smile as i go into the kitchen to help her

"Everybody loves you!" I said while rolling up my sleeves and grabbing a plate to wash

"I love you family! They are so funny and sweet! And Aaliyah is very funny."

"Hm i love having all of my favorite people in one room. Hey do you need me to drive you to your house?"

"No its alright i brought my moms car. Aaaand we are done." I put the last dish out to dry.

As Avery started to head out to the door I opened the door

"Thank you for the dinner, goodnight!" She waved at my family who were in the living room watching tv

"Goodbye! hope to see you soon." My mom waved

"I'll be right back, im gonna go walk her to her car." I said closing the door behind me. We walked in silence until we got to her car

"Thank you for coming Ave." I opened the door for her

"Thank you for inviting me, I had lots of fun. Plus your mom is an amazing cook." She smiled while getting in

I close her door and she opens the window. "Be careful and text me when you get there okay?"

"Okay goodnight Shawn." She closed the window and started to head out the drive wave.

I waved goodbye and went inside my house. Minutes later I receive the text from Avery

Avery: Im at home. Goodnight <3

Texting Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now