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Shawn: hey Ave want to go out with me an get coffee?

Avery: ..

Shawn: oh yea sorry, I'll get you tea instead

Avery: better! I'll meet you at the coffee shop in 10 minutes :)

Shawn: Alright! see you!


I decided to walk to the coffee shop since it was close, once I got there Alex was walking out, porbably finishing her shift

"Oh hey Shawn! What are you doing here?" She smiles then taking a sip from her coffee

"Well Im here to meet a friend!"

"Alright, well I gotta go, have fun!" She gives me a small hug, when she gets in her car I wave and she starts to drive away

"Hi Shawn! Who was that?" Avery asked coming up from behind me

"Her name is Alex! We met at the grocery store and sher works here." I turn to face her.

She punches my arm "I think you have a crush!" I softly punch her arm back "Shut up! Lets go inside." Once we get inside we go in line to order our drinks

I order a coffee and Avery orders peach tea. We grab our drinks and sit at a sofa that is in the middle of the coffee shop.

We talk about what we want to fo after we finish high school. She wants to go to art school in New York, she also tells me she plans on living there after college.

"Okay enough about me! Are you going to ask out Alex on a date?"

"Should I? I mean I just met her!" I run my fingers through my hair

"Well thats the whole point of a date! To get to know the person. Teust me if I were here I would want you to ask me out."

"Hm. Then okay I'll ask her! Any advice on where to take her?" I began getting nervous so I start bouncing my leg up and down while drinking my coffee

Avery sat up, "Well you should take her out to dinner! Then after as you take her home you should definitely walk through the park, that's romantic, maybe sit by the fountain and talk to her for a while." She softly smiles at me, I smile back at her.

"Alright! Sounds perfect! Do you wanna go now?" I stand up to throw my cup away, she gets up and heads to the door.

"Yea, lets go." I open the door for her and let her go out first. We start walking home, we talk about the tv shows we watch. Once we get to the point where we have to go our separate ways, I turn to face her and I grab her shoulders

I look into her beautiful eyes, "I love you Avery, thank you for being an amazing friend" my heart breaking slighty because a part of me has always wanted to be more, but it was just a silly crush.

She gives me a small smile. "I love you too Shawn." I close my eyes and give her a soft kiss on the forehead, I give her a quick hug and start walking away towards my home. I look back and she is still standing there, I wave at her. I take my phone out of my pocket and I open the messages app.

Shawn: Would you like to go on a date today? :)

two minutes later I get a response

Alex: sure! what time?

Shawn: how about I pick you up at 6? :)

Avery: sounds perfect! see you later (:

Shawn: alright see you xx

As I begin to put my phone in my pocket, it starts yo vibrate, so I take it back out.

Avery: I slipped and I hurt my butt, rip

Shawn: you are such a spork

Avery: :P

Texting Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now