☆ Unicorn day 🦄 ☆ Former Prisoner of War Recognition day ☆ Library Workers day ☆ Chinese Almond Cookie day ☆ Winston Churchill day ☆ Name Yourself day ☆ Cherish an Antique day ☆ Chicken Little Awareness day
Erinerung: Hallo. Ich bin Erinerung, und das ist Alptraum.
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Belladonna: They sure are a nightmare. *Alptraum hisses* Case and point.
Snapdragon: You work in library, too?
Erinerung: Jah und nein.
Memoria: Her target language is German, and "Nightmare" is her inverse. They both work around the axis.
☆ Erase Self-Negativity day ☆ Library Outreach day ☆ Farm Animals day ☆ Cinnamon Crescent day ☆ Siblings day ☆ Encourage a Young Writer day ☆ Hug Your Dog day ☆ Safety Pin day 🧷 ☆ Bookmobile day
Synth: Mr. Leroy, can we hug your Sugar dog?
Leroy: Sure, just let him smell you first.
Synth: *lays their hand out to Sugar, who sniffs, then licks the hand, they hug Sugar from the front while Snapdragon and Snakeweed hug from the sides*
☆ Alcohol Screening day ☆ Living Donor day ☆ Submarine day ☆ Cheese Fondue day ☆ Pet day ☆ Eight Track Tape day ☆ Barbershop Quartet day ☆ Poutine day
Isabelle: *kneels down* Super wanna fly? *the small child reaches his arms out, she picks him up, lifts him over her head, and exclaims* Super Capron! *makes motor noises, Super giggles, her front eye spots Rydel, and she slowly sets Super back down*
☆ Only Child day ☆ For Twelves day ☆ Colorado day ☆ Grilled Cheese Sandwich day ☆ Licorice day ☆ Big Wind day ☆ Drop Everything and Read day ☆ Day for Human Space Flight ☆ Hamster day 🐹
Genesis: Do Gundham's Devas like grilled cheese?
Isabelle: That's a question for Crutch. Best I can tell, they eat seeds.
Holly: Which is the big, orange one?
Isabelle: Jump-P.
Genesis: Sleepy one?
Isabelle: San-D.
Holly: And the mean one with the chipped ear?
Isabelle: Maga-Z. Which leaves Sun-P, who like San-D, but more alert.