☆ Wiener Schnitzel day ☆ Share Your Care day ☆ Boss/Employee Exchange day ☆ Teddy Bear day 🧸
Belladonna: We have returned with some sad news from codename Olympia; actor James Earl Jones has Departed. Honoring Departed figures in real life is how we show our care, and our latest Guest is familiar with the voice of a renowned king lion.
Synth: We also do not have a teddy bear at the ready. We've got pumpkins, above and below.
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☆ Hot Cross Bun day ☆ Make Your Bed day 🛌 ☆ Patriot day and National Day of Service and Remembrance
Thyme: New Guests, Belladonna? They seem friendly, especially the Little Sky. Quick Silver, too eager for our preference, but we don't make the call of the Catalysts.
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"Neither do we. We are called Algae. We light the seas of uncertainty."
[The bright, hunched figure responds in a monotone voice.]
Belladonna: Doesn't the phytoplankton light the sea at night?
Algae: But what sustains the herbivores of sea life?
Belladonna: *shrugs* Kelp.
Algae: *the eye on their right jaw twitches, giving off an involuntary grimace*
☆ Day of Encouragement ☆ Hug & High Five day ☆ Just One Human Family day ☆ School Picture day ☆ Report Medicare Fraud day ☆ Day of the Programmer ☆ Video Games day ☆ Chocolate Milkshake day
[Algae examines the four digits on their hands.]
Belladonna: High five is a figure of speech, Mx. Algae. *Algae points at Cloud* Yes, he's from a video game, as is a number of Guests.
[The orange tendrils on Algae's back extend, reaching out near Belladonna's stilts, she waves them off.]
☆ Positive Thinking day ☆ Celiac Disease Awareness day ☆ Uncle Sam day ☆ Peanut day ☆ Kids Take Over the Kitchen day ☆ Bald is Beautiful day ☆ Blame Someone Else day
Algae: Oh great, a day of masking emotions, and gluten intolerance. *a peanut hit them on the shoulder, they turn their head slightly*
Snapdragon: *points at Synth* Sib did it.
Melyssa: On a positive note, Aunt Platinum found the Skitty.