6.Jeju Island

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"HONG EUNCHAE, WAKE UP IF YOU DONT WANT YOUR ASS TO GET WHOOPED,lT'S GETTING LATE!" Mrs Hong (eunchae's mom) shouted from downstairs.

"Can you go and wake her up? Its getting late" Mrs Hong said to the maid.

At Eunchae's room,

Eunchae was sleeping peacefully in her comfy bed. But she flinched hearing her mother's yelling and  immediately sat on her bed with eyes wide. "Ugghhh Mom!" She whines. Just then, someone Knocks the door and comes in.

"Eunchae dear. Get up, or you'll get late" The maid said and Eunchae looks at the clock. Its 11am, they have to leave at 12 pm for Their flight to Jeju.

Eunchae nods and goes to the bathroom  with sleepy eyes.

At downstairs,

Eunchae came downstairs and sat in the dining table to have breakfast. She wore black Jeans with a white full sleeve shirt and her hair was tied up in a ponytail.

"There you are!" Mrs Hong says and sits across her.

"What do want for breakfast? " The maid asks Eunchae.


"Okay" The maid says and leaves.

"Where is dad?" Eunchae asks her mom.

"He is in his room,working on some files" Her mother replies.

Just then, Mr. Hong(eunchae's father) came downstairs and joined them.

"Eunchae did you pack your luggage? We're leaving at 12" Mr Hong says and Eunchae nods,"Yup"

At the Airport,

The Hong family are now waiting for the Nishimura family so that they all can leave together. After waiting for sometime,they finally came.

Both families greet eachother with smiles and hugs except Eunchae and Ni-ki, They just stood there awkwardly while looking here and there.

"Eunchae, whats wrong? Go say hi to Ni-ki" Mrs Hong says and Eunchae looks at her for a second then looks at Ni-ki and found him staring at her.

"H-hi" Eunchae says awkwardly and their parents chuckled while Ni-ki waves his hand with a small smile.

"C'mon, its time" Mr. Nishimura says and they went to their flight


Reaching their destination, The both families booked Their hotel rooms.

Eunchae's Parents are staying in one room and Ni-ki's parents are staying in the next room beside theirs.

Mrs Hong whispered something to Mrs Nishimura and they smirked and looked at Eunchae and Ni-ki

"How 'bout you two stay together?"

"WHAT?!!" Eunchae and Ni-ki said Together being shocked.

"No thank y-"

" yeah! Thats a good idea, that way you both can know eachother more and become close!" Mr. Nishimura said cutting off Eunchae's word and Eunchae looked at Ni-ki with big doe eyes, Hoping he will deny it.

"Okay,fine" Ni-ki said flatly and Eunchae's eyes widen hearing him.

No way she's sharing a room with Nishimura Riki!

"Wait, are you serious?! " Eunchae asked with wide eyes and Ni-ki nods.


"Here are your keys!" Mr.Hong says and gave Eunchae the room keys.


"No buts,go to the room and quickly freshen up" Mrs Hong says cutting off Eunchae's words and Eunchae sighs being defeated.

At Room,

Eunchae unlocks the door and they both went inside. She admired the room with heart eyes. Thankfully, there were two beds. Phew!

She laid on the bed, being tired from the Journey but she suddenly saw Ni-ki taking out a bottle from his bag that has... red liquid in it?

That must be some type of smoothie..l guess.

"Whats that?" she asks.


"The bottle"

"Oh..its..strawberry juice,mom made it for me" Ni-ki replies.

"Oh...can l try it?"

"NO!" He says and she joins her eyebrows in confusion.

"I-l mean...it just doesn't taste good " He says

"Oh..okay" she replies raising her eyebrows finding him weird.

After a while,

Their parents called them for lunch and they went down to eat.

They were eating at the Sea-side. Eunchae was already done so she went to play in the water. Meanwhile Ni-ki was on his phone, scrolling through Instagram since he is done eating.

"Ni-ki, go walk around and stop scrolling all the time!" Mrs Nishimura says and Ni-ki gets up while putting his phone in his pocket. "Fine"

He walks out and goes near the Sea, where Eunchae is. He stands there for sometime, staring at her,watching  how happy she looked playing in the water.

But suddenly there eyes met,causing him to look away immediately.

"Hey!,come its fun!" Eunchae said while walking towards him,grabbing his hand and taking him to the water.

"Yaahhh! No! Its getting late-" Before he could finish his words, he was pushed in the water by Eunchae as she starts to laugh. He got up while pushing his wet hair back and starts to chase her.

After some minutes of having fun together, they decided to leave as their parents are calling them.

"C'mon,lets leave... Its getting dark" Ni-ki said getting up from the sand.

"I wanna stay" She said and Ni-ki looked at her, putting his both hand on his hip posing like he's the mother scolding the child.

"Dont be such a baby, now get up!" He said and tries to pull her by her hand but she stays stubborn.

"Pleaseee,just a few more minutes" She said with pleading eyes.

"Kids! We're leaving" Their parents said from a distance while standing up from the chair

"Fine, lets go" Eunchae said rolling her eyes.

At room,

Ni-ki was sitting on the bed, waiting for Eunchae to come out of the bathroom so he can shower. After waiting for sometime, she finally came out, drying her hair with a towel.

He stood up and grabs his clothes from his luggage and walks towards the washroom.

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

It was now 3 am at night, Eunchae was sleeping peacefully while hugging her pillow but something felt uneasy. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at the bed beside her. Ni-ki is not there.

She frowns. "Where is he?" she questioned. Suddenly, she felt goosebumps all around her body, feeling someone's breathe against her neck. "Ni-ki is that you?" she asked shakily and slowly turned around.

Ni-ki. His eyes red and glowy. His lips parted making his milky white fangs visible as a drop of blood came out from the corner of his lips. His white shirt is now covered in drops of blood while he let out a low chuckle, staring into her soul.

Her breathings became faster and she let out a horrified yelp but he covered her mouth and pinned her to the bed while he hovered above her and everything went black.


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