Chapter 10

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"It's no use looking up, there's no proper bar in that direction".- Roland Topor____________________________________________________________________________

Once Cassie is dressed, made-up, coiffed, ready and perfumed, she heads to the kitchen to prepare pasta carbonara style. Good job Cass, this will help mop up the alcohol from our bodies tonight.

We eat in silence as we savor this delicious pasta dish, topped with generous amounts of cream and bacon. She reminds me to put on the little black top. Damn, I was hoping she'd forget that detail. After a good meal, I get changed. I'm not very comfortable, but at least the neckline isn't so plunging, the top doesn't reach my navel, it's black, and best of all, it's neither a dress nor a skirt.

She begs me to put on a little mascara and lipstick. She's so stubborn that I give up, don't want to hear her moan in my ears anymore. If I'm going to wear something different, I might as well go all the way for one evening, right?

She carefully applies mascara to my naturally long lashes. She steps back to admire her work with a smile.

- A little more red and you'll be perfect! 
She's rummaging through a box where dozens of lip glosses are stored like treasures. I hope she's not planning to spread color on me like she does on her canvases. She places the material on my chapped lips.

- Ugh, the lipstick brings out all the little dry patches. Wait, two seconds.

She heads for the bathroom and returns with a cotton pad soaked in an oily, granular product. She then rubs my lips vigorously.

- Are you trying to rip my lips off? I bark at Cassie.

- Almost! she ironized, sticking her tongue out at me.

She removes the residue and I bring my index finger to my lips, to make sure I still have them.

- It's soft.

- Yes, ma'am, the lipstick can now be applied properly! Hehehehe

When she starts laughing like that, she looks like a lunatic and i love it. She approaches me, holding the gun in her hands. She grabs my chin with her little hand and spreads the lipstick, slowly, meticulously. I start to tremble, afraid she's going to disfigure me completely.

- Stop moving or you'll look like the Joker if I slip.

I walk over to the mirror and feel as if I'm looking at a rather ordinary girl. Cassie turns her back to me for a moment and I take the opportunity to tap my lips on my hand to remove as much of the material as possible. Despite the end of the day, my hair remains slightly wavy. I'm now wearing a new top, more feminine than what I'm used to, and I'm wearing make-up. What the fuck is wrong with me today?

21h40 -

It's time to get down to business: the bar. Tonight, no holding back, Cassie needs to drink to find inspiration, while I need to get drunk, because I like it, yes, but it's also just what my body craves, after a day a little too girly for my taste.

We arrive in front of the "Yae" establishment. I feel Cassie stiffen beside me.

- Xio, are you sure where you're taking me? 

Tugging at the sleeve of my jacket, she stares at me with a worried expression. Big, tattooed men stand in front of the building, their motorcycles at their sides, as if these bikes were members of their gang.

- I come here often. I reassured her in a calm tone.

I go first, while she's still holding my sleeve. I land at the counter, patting the seat next to mine and asking her to sit down.

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