Chapter 2

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We finally all arrived at the beach after a short five minute walk down the hill and I must say when I saw how clear the water was I couldn't be happier and pulled off my my navy blue sundress that hid my white bikini beneath it. I felt tug on either one of my hands and looked down to find it was Kisa pulling my left and Momiji pulling my right with Tohru only a few feet in front.

I laughed with them as we all sprinted for the water. With how hot the weather had become the cold waves felt like heaven on my pale skin. Suddenly I felt a splash off water hit my shoulder and found the two younger Sohma's chuckling to themselves with proud looks plastered on their adorable faces. "I'm going to get you!" I shouted as the both of them screamed in laughter as they began to swim away from me as I made chase.

After spending about ten minutes in the water me and Tohru got out and made our way over to the guy's who had refrained from going near the water. Tohru greeted everyone as I sat beside Shigure and Kyo on the large blanket that had been set out earlier. "So how old are you Isa?" I was surprised to here Haru ask this as I hand't yet heard him speak. "You idiot you can't just go round asking girls how old they are, gees." I chuckled at how annoyed Kyo seemed at the question, but I couldn't help but find his displeasure cute.

"It's alright Kyo. I turned eighteen two months ago." Haru smiled in thanks at my response to his question. "So what exactly do you know about us Sohma's?" This time it was Yuki asking the question and I was more than happy to oblige. "Just that you're a large familial clan and that the clan has a family head, but apart from that not much." I could see his posture stiffen as I mentioned the family head, but decided it was better to not ask as it wasn't really my place.

As it went silent I couldn't help but notice there was someone missing. "Hey Shigure, where did Hatori go?" I asked confusion lacing my voice. "He left. He said there was someone he needed to speak to. I'm sure he'll be at the house when we return." I nodded, thinking he might have needed to speak to one of his patients or co-workers.

"Speaking of the house we should probably be setting off it will be getting dark soon." Looking up at the sky I noticed that the sun was indeed beginning to decend from the sky. "Your right, me and Tohru will go and grab Kisa and Momiji." Tohru nodded and the both of us went to retrieve them and Hiro, who had been watching them since we left the water.

Now back at the house and mostly dried off I decided to have a nosy in the kitchen to see what we had in for dinner. "Isa are you going to cook?" It was Tohru who was also looking through the kitchen, more specifically the fridge. "I was thinking to yes. Do you want to help." She nodded and so we went about our search of the kitchen for ingredients we could use for dinner. "Why don't we make a batch of pesto pasta, we have everything we'd need." I nodded at her suggestion. "Sounds great."

And so we went about cooking me working on making the pesto whilst Tohru focused on the pasta. "So how old are you Tohru, if you don't mind me asking?" She smiled in my direction. "Not at all, I'm sixteen same as Kyo and Yuki." I made a sound of acknowledgement before I began blending the ingredients for the pesto. So they're only two years younger than me, I wonder how old everyone else is.

Only five or so minutes passed by before dinner was on the table and being plated up by everyone. Hatori had only just arrived by the time me and Tohru were sat at the table. "Was everything alright Hatori?" I questioned as we were all now comfortably seated, me on the right of Tohru and at the left of Hatori, as everyone else was scattered on each side of the long table with Shigure and Hatori seated at each end.

"Yes, everything went well. Also Isa there's someone who wants to meet you, so you'll be coming with me, Shigure and the other tomorrow, if that's alright?" I smiled and nodded. "Of course, I'll be happy to come and meet this 'someone'."

Dinner soon ended a success as everyone was complimenting the food, as we all began making our ways off to bed. "Hey Kyo is it alright if you show me which room's mine. I'd hate if if I accidentally walked in on anyone." I asked as I spotted the orange haired boy walk by before going up the stairs. "Sure just follow me." He seemed a little agitated, but I put it down to him just being tiered.

Once we reached the top of the stairs Kyo pointed down the hall way and said my room was the last one of the left. Making my way inside I noticed my bag was laid out on my bed and my suit case was popped up against the wardrobe that sat on the right hand side of the room as you entered. Looks like Kyo does care. I smiled and chuckled at the thought.

Moving my bag out of the way and onto the chair of the vanity, I placed my suite case in it's previous spot and opened it, rummaging through to find my Pj shorts and t-shirt. Once changed I noticed that my room had a small balcony and so I stepped outside to get some air before I went to bed. The moon was full now and high in the sky.

I leant on the railing the thought of this mystery person that Hatori wanted me to meet tomorrow crossing my mind and in the end I decided I was excited to meet someone new, especially if they were a friend of Hatori's.

After five minutes I made my way from the balcony closing the door that led out to it shut before I closed up my suite case putting it back were I found it before crawling into bed. 

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