Chapter 4

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We had been sat for almost an hour now and I couldn't be more bored. The conversation had significantly dwindled since Hatori's explanation and now we were all left with empty tea cups, with the only 'conversation' being Shigure's off comments about the lovely weather. "It sure is a lovely day today."

His comment wasn't unwelcome, but it was no less awkward when pozed against the silence that followed. I was about to agree, hoping it would elicit some of the weight in the room, however to my surprise Akito had beaten me to it. "I hate summer, the heat makes each day more miserable than the one before." As he spoke it didn't feel as though he was acknowledging Shigure's statement, but more so spacing out and speaking whatever was on his mind.

"I'm sorry to here that you think of it that way." In the moment it was the only thing I could think of to say, my tone wasn't sad, merely confused. "Don't be troubled by his words Isa." Shigure spoke surprising me. "You see Akito get's sick quite easily and the summer heat only worsens it." I nodded, feeling a frown grow on my face at the thought of not being able to enjoy summer because it would only cause you pain.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to find Shigure, moved from his spot, smiling at me. "Really it's Hatori you should feel troubled for, he's the one who's always on call, never getting a moment to himself." I noticed Shigure turning his head to give a playful smirk to Hatori. "The poor thing never gets a break." I couldn't help but chuckle at the overdramatic way Shigure spoke and the nonchalant expression Hatori gave him that was trying to hide his obvious annoyance just made my chuckling worse.

Then I felt shuffling from beside me. As Shigure stood he stretched his hand out for me to take. "Well we should be off now, I don't think we want to leave the kids waiting much longer." His last words were directed at me and I began to nod. "You're write they have been left on their own for over an hour."

With that me and Shigure left the room, me giving a wave farewell to Hatori, who was quick to reciprocate it, the to Akito though they only nodded as a way of saying goodbye. I guess he wasn't all to bothered about my leaving. I couldn't dwell on it long as the to of us finally stepped out side we were greeted by Momiji, who was jumping with joy at our appearance.

"Hey Momiji ready to go back?" He looked at me with a bright smile on his childlike face. "Ya, let's gooo." I chuckled at his enthusiasm as he took my hand and started dragging me over to the others.

We all began our walk back to the main house, as Momiji and Yuki began questioning me on what my time spent with Akito like. I was confused, due to the concerned look on Yuki's face, but was honest and said that in truth it was quite boring as there wasn't much to talk about. The two accepted my answer, both with a soft smile and as I looked up from my feet I noticed we had already arrived back at the house.

Kisa and Momiji were quick to run off and find Tohru and Kyo, who we all found to be in the kitchen making lunch for all of us. "Hey guy's, how did it go?" Tohru asked me after she treated everyone. "It went well. Me, Hatori, Shigure and Akito had some tea whilst we spoke." I then lifted my hand scratch the back of my head as I thought about what I said. "Actually it was quite boring." She laughed at my words, then proceeded to shout everyone over because she was finished making lunch, which on further inspection individual plate's of rice balls.

I was about ready to grab mine from Tohru when I felt something, or someone run into the back of me. This through me off balance and I ended up landing on Kyo who was stood off to the side of me. I was ready to apologise when suddenly all I could see was yellow and orange smoke and a 'poof' noise.

'What the?', I though as once the smoke settled I looked down to my lap finding a fluffy yellow bunny and an airy looking orange cat. "What just happened?" I asked no one in particular as I could feel my mind shutting down. Once there were Momiji and Kyo, now there's a bunny and a cat in my lap.

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