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Your alarm woke you up abruptly. You were unaware of your surroundings. It was the next day and you tried to recall your thoughts

Ok, boyfriend cheated. Now living in an apartment. Milkman....

You tried to figure out the last word, and why you thought it. Maybe the man helped you out last night? You examined yourself in the full body mirror near your bed, you're incredibly bruised, and in some of the strangest spots. There was a red uniform set out on your dresser. As you put it on, you tried to recall last night. Everything was hazy. 

As you walked down the stairs into lobby, you were greeted by the same hazmat suit man

"It's [Name] right?" He asked, his voice sounded muffled now through the suit

"Uh yeah, isn't this where im supposed to go?" You nervously laughed

He nodded, he seemed a bit suspicious of your behavior, it was quite strange considering how bruised you must have looked. He explained your job, there was different residents of the apartment and you needed to let in the right ones, There were things called doppelgängers, usually their impressions of people weren't the best, so it was easy to tell, but at times it could get confusing. If there was a doppelgänger you had to press a red button and call this man.

"Sound easy enough?" He raised an eyebrow 

You nodded and sat in the desk, smiling. 

The day was slow, no doppelgängers, no troubles, nothing. At the end of the day you saw the milkman that always delivered to your house. As he recognized your face he smirked. You shot him a dirty look as you examined his papers and entry request.

"It says you live on  Floor 3... why does this say 30?" You raised an eyebrow

Wow he's stupid

"Oh! Haha! Must be a typo." You saw a flash of sharp teeth as he spoke. You slowly became suspicious. He saw your hand guide towards the button and there was a look of rage on his face. 

"Darling... I suggest you didn't..." his voice went low and had a hint of anger

"Tell me why I shouldn't." The perverse look he had on his face intrigued you. 

"You shouldn't..." his voice went to a low hiss, his pupils dilated like a cat's. 

"That's not very logical" when you slammed the button, the glass protecting you between the creature and yourself broke. He lunged at you as you fell out of your chair scooting away. 

The rage he had was animalistic, he clawed at you and tried to bite you as you fought back. Adrenaline coursed through your blood as you dodged his attacks. He gripped you tightly as you tried to keep as much distance as possible using your legs.

"Hooon.... Hoon...." It looked like he was almost having a seizure, he shook as his body transformed into different shapes. 

Fuck, this must be those things, that hazmat man was warning me about....

You lost, the fight, he brushed the hair away from your neck, and held you close. His breathe hot and wet. You squirmed feeling it, tears forming in your eyes realizing you might die. 

This was such a bad idea-

You heard a squelch and saw someone standing over you, his clothes covered in blood, a shard of glass in the other. You tried to calm down but couldn't, your breaths rapid and tears streaming down your face you wondered who it was. You curled into a ball still overwhelmed. 

"Shhh... That monstrosity's dead now." A voice whispered in your ear, your turned your head and saw him. His hat was off, his brown hair was messily trimmed and matted due to the blood. You stared at him examining each little feature apart of him. 

"Your name is Francis right?" You sniffled, You read his papers, wanting to learn every detail about him. Sure it might be stalker-ish but you were VERY curious. Deadbeat husband, divorce, a child???. Who knew he had such an interesting life delivering milk. 

"Calm, down. Do you need me to help walk you up to your apartment room?" He inched closer and pulled you into a hug. His clothes smelled like lemons. A weird scent, but still comforting. You nodded. He pulled you up off the ground and helped walk you to your apartment

( tell me if this was good pls 🥴, i could have broke it up into 2 chapters but i figured one long one was better, if you had the attention span to read this. Thank you 🙏

ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ/ Francis Mosses x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now