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if I grow my hair out
maybe get some new teeth
if I get skinnier will you like me
what if I dont like who I am when im the girl you want me to be
what if it takes three breaths, too look at my body
isnt it a shame how
I dont feel like the princess I was raised to be
I dont remember the last time I appreciated myself
I feel guilty and stupid
oh god why'd I do this to
Ive mistreated myself, im alone and ashamed
I keep looking around for someone else to blame
I get mad about the small things
I hold grudges like they're nothing
still I hear a voice inside
and she tells me to hide
all of me
Im terrified if I open my eyes and I see that she is right
what if Im not what my eyes dictate
being me is just a mistake
I wouldnt take it back
but sometimes I feel like im wasting air
im fragile and kind but I cut like a knife
I never break the ice, I panic in crisis
not saying im not tough
I boil it all up then I come crashing down
common denominator in my mind
every little moment, ill hold it
ill cry over it, Ill get mad and scream in the light
but a sad girl comes out at night
its that voice inside

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