Chapter 2

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Hey guys :)

I apologize if I ever mess up any timelines, just roll with it.

Nico's POV

I can't believe it, we have to go to some fancy wizard school when I've never even been to high school! And to make things worse Will can't come. I was finally just starting to fit in at camp, Will finally asked me to be his boyfriend after two months of awkward flirting, and now I have to leave for nearly a year! 

Plus I'm stuck with Percy, I'm well over my crush and now me and Perce are really good friends but the guy can get annoying after a while. Him and Jason are way too protective over me, I swear they think their my fathers or something. 

When we left the Big House I said bye to all my friends, but saying bye to Will was probably the worst thing I've ever done, I don't want to leave him for 10 months! When we said goodbye, Will pulled me in for one last kiss, it made my heart stop, and then shatter, I hope time in England moves faster than it does here.

I met Percy and Chiron back in the Big House, they were accompanied by Lady Hecate. I guess this is really happening, it's not some joke, which is obviously good as I am so looking forward to this. (Note the sarcasm)

"Good evening, Nico di Angelo, and Percy Jackson. I'm on a bit of a time crunch so we are going to do this quickly." Hecate said briskly, then my whole body went cold, I could almost feel the magic running through my veins. I looked over and saw Percy, and then I had to look again, he looked 15 years old again, it shocked me to see him the same age as me, I had always seen him as older and now this was just creepy.

"Hey Perce, how's it feel to be 15 again?" I asked with a smirk. Percy's eyes narrowed in confusion, then widened in realization.

"Oh my gods, I forgot about that already, how do I look?" Percy asked.

"You look like you'll have a glow-up when you're older," I answer, Percy shoots a jet of water at my eye, it hits its target and I curse under my breath.

I turn back to Lady Hecate who just asks us if we are ready to go, we nod reluctantly. Suddenly a purple mist swirls all around us, we appear in the middle of a dining room, and within an instant a whole bunch of people stand up and point little wooden sticks at us. Very threatening right? Then I realized that those sticks are wands, these mortals- no, wizards! Ya, these wizards could hit us with a spell any moment, that made me slightly more scared but I made myself keep a straight face.

"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" A man with shaggy black hair demanded. Shaggy Hair held his dead tree twig at head level, he looked determined and confident, however, his eyes looked confused, maybe even scared. 

"Whoa, whoa calm down," Percy said, holding his arms up in a stopping motion. "We are from America, and were transfer students. We were sent here, do you think we could talk to some guy called Dumbydore?" He finished. 

I glanced over at Shaggy Hair, his stick- I mean wand dropped a centimetre. A guy with a thin layer of red hair whispered something in Shaggy's ear.

"Oh? Really? How come I wasn't informed? This is my house after all." Shaggy grumbled, then he turned back to us and lowered his wand completely. "My apologies, this house isn't the easiest to get into and I didn't recognize you. I didn't even know Hogwarts took transfer students. Anyways my name is Sirius Black, and well, who are you?" Shaggy, who I now know is named Sirius asked.

"I'm Percy Jackson, it's nice to meet you," Percy said, sticking his hand out to shake Black's. Of course, he's the friendly one, I wasn't planning on introducing myself first. Then Sirius and Percy looked at me expectantly. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and introduced myself,

"Nico di Angelo, a pleasure to be here." I stick my hand out to shake and Sirius obliges. My mother had always taught me to be polite back in the 30s, so I try my best. 

Now that people aren't threatening me with magic, I sweep my eyes across the room, taking in the details. I see the kitchen and as I look around I realize everything is filthy, does no one clean this place?

A ginger woman comes rushing in from the kitchen, she has an apron on with her wand sticking out the pocket. I figure she must be the balding red-headed man's wife. 

"Ah, hello dears I'm Molly Weasley, you must be the new transfer students, yes?" The ginger woman asks us. We nod our heads as Sirius glares at no one in particular, maybe he was the only one who didn't know we would be coming here. 

Then other people in the room introduce themselves to us, Tonks, Remus Lupin, and Mad Eye Moody? Along with a few others whose names I already forget.

"Well, I suppose you kids want to talk with Dumbledore? He'll be around after dinner, in the meantime I'll show you to your bedroom," Mrs. Weasley gestures for us to follow her, so we do. We walk up a whole bunch of stairs and as we are turning the corner, a tall, lanky, freckly ginger boy gets in our way. The audacity. Since this kid is ginger I'm going to assume he's a Weasley.

"Oi, who are these two?" Ginger jr. asks, glaring in my direction. I already hate this kid. 

"Oh, I suppose we didn't tell you, well Ron, this is Percy and Nico," Mrs. Weasley explains, "they are transfer students from America, go tell the other while they settle in." She adds with a hint of excitement in her voice, maybe Hogwires doesn't have many transfer students.

Ron goes back through a door that I'm assuming is his room and Mrs. Weasley leads us through yet another hallway before pointing to a room and informing us that this is where we are to sleep. The room itself looks decent enough, however, everything seems to have a thick layer of dust.

I flop on to one of the beds and Percy does the same. Neither of us feels like talking, too many thoughts are swirling through my brain right now, and I don't have the brain storage to communicate with others. Then again, when do I?

Word count: 1103

How are ya'll doing? Good I hope?

I hope the first two chapters have been alright. I'm still kind of introducing everything so it might not have been the most interesting chapter, again.

Love you guys!

- Pais <3

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