Chapter 10

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Nico's POV

My fingers hovered over the door, I was about to knock but maybe I could just skip detention.. I mean it's probably useless anyways. But no, I can't. I have a job, and Harry is in detention too, so this is a good way to keep an eye on him.

I let my knuckles make contact with the door. 

"Come in," says a sickly-sweet voice that makes me want to gag. I step inside and the sight makes me want to puke. (I guess my stomach just doesn't want to hold anything down?) 

The whole room was pink, which completely goes against my aesthetic, lace was draped across all the furniture and there were so many pictures of kittens that it was just too much.

Harry was already seated with a piece of blank parchment across from him. Beside him sat an empty chair and another piece of parchment. 

Umbridge gestured for me to sit so, with great reluctance, I did. (Are you proud?) The last thing I wanted to do was spend my evening doing something as pointless as writing lines! I had to skip dinner for this! Then again who are we kidding, I wasn't going to eat anyway... again.

"Now," Umbridge started, "that we are all here we can begin! Potter I would like you to write 'I must not tell lies.'" A look of anger overtook Harry's face but he masked it quickly enough.

"Alright," he muttered.

"As for you Mr. Angelo-" I didn't let her finish, I know that by now she knows my name, she's doing this on purpose. 

"It's di Angelo," I replied, putting a bit of an edge to my tone, but not too much.

"Do NOT interrupt me," Umbridge scowled, then continued, "You will be writing 'I will not be disrespectful,'" I used all the power within me to hold back an eye roll. 

Oops, maybe I am a bit disrespectful, but then again, does Umbridge really deserve respect?

Me and Harry both reach into our bags to retrieve our quills, (why can't wizards use pens? They are SO much easier to write with.) 

"Oh! I nearly forgot," Umbridge exclaimed in a fake cheery voice. Whatever it is, she didn't forget. "You can both use my special quills," her toad-like smile widened. She looked a bit like a demon-toad, but that's a bit offensive to demon-toads. Trust me, I've met a few and they're actually quite polite, just don't make them mad. (Yes Jason, I'm looking at you.)

We grab the quills and as I'm about to start writing I can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something. 

"Is something the matter boys?" Umbridge asks, I open my mouth and close it, I don't have an answer.

"You haven't given us any ink," Harry speaks up, of course! How did I forget? Quills need ink, that's what I was missing. However Umbridge's smile widens still,

"You won't be needing any ink for those," then she plops herself behind her desk and busies herself with paperwork. Boring.

I lower my quill and begin to write the foolish words, a chill runs down my back, I ignore it. I write it for the second time, hoping I don't spell anything wrong. My hand starts to tingle, I watch in horror as my hand gets sliced opened and shows words, words that I wrote.

I refrain from cursing only because Umbridge would start talking again, I don't feel like hearing her voice.

I glance over to Harry, his eyes are wide in terror, he looks at me and lifts a brow, I shrug. I don't know what the Hades is going on here but I'm pretty sure Umbridge is making us write lines with our own blood. It's cruel but it doesn't hurt much, I've been through much, much worse.

Harry's POV

I'm sure I've felt worse pain than this, like in the graveyard last year, but what the bloody hell is going on here? My hand is throbbing from being cut and healed over and over again. It's taking all my willpower not to wince, I can't give Umbridge that satisfaction.

I glance over at di Angelo, our eyes meet, I lift my eyebrow, he shrugs. I can see the cuts digging into his skin as well, if I didn't see it with my own eyes I would probably think he was writing plain old lines. He almost looks bored, and tired? 

I don't get it, it's taking every fibre in me to keep a straight face. Maybe the dark mark hurts him more than this when it burns.. ya I bet that's why he seems fine. As much as I dislike di Angelo I know we're going to have to talk about this later.

After a few hours, ya that's right, HOURS! Anyway, after a few hours of cutting myself open again and again Umbridge finally says,

"That's enough for tonight, let's see your hands." she walks around her lace-covered desk and sticks out her own hand. Di Angelo stands up, so do I, I can't sit while they're standing! So we do what she says, we stick out our hands for her to inspect.

My hand looks a bit red and irritated, however, you can't even tell it was bleeding. I look at di Angelo's hand, his skin is just barely pink, how is that possible? His skin is as pale as a ghost, it should turn red much easier, this makes no sense.

Maybe di Angelo's skin has built up pain tolerance? From like... death eater activities? I don't know but Umbridge doesn't look satisfied.

She picks up di Angelo's paper to see if he actually wrote lines the whole time. He did, although he did mess up the spelling a few times, maybe he really is dyslexic, I thought he had been lying just to annoy Umbridge. 

"Hmph, well I suppose we'll just have to work a little bit harder tomorrow, goodnight boys." Umbridge sighed. We quickly said goodbye and got out of there as soon as possible.

We walked down the corridor together, in an awkward silence of course.

"Does your hand even hurt?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Not really, it stung a little while we were writing though," he replied, ever so coldly. "Why? Does yours hurt?" He asked. And of course mine hurt, which definitely sucked seeing that we have to do this for an entire week!

"Not really, I was just wondering," I lied, I wasn't about to admit my weakness right in front of a Death Eater, I'm not that stupid.

We continued in silence and at the first chance possible we split directions, di Angelo was NOT an easy person to talk to, let alone get along with.

Word Count: 1101

Guys I almost fell asleep writing this... whoops?

Sorry it took so long to update, Love ya'll!

- Pais <3

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