Chapter 5

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Ron's POV

The moment I saw those new kids, I didn't trust them. 

One tall, ripped and handsome. The other small, dark and mysterious. Both are sketchy.

When we were eating breakfast, before the letters came, Jackson was reaching for the syrup, his sleeve went up slightly and I saw a flash of black ink on his forearm, I couldn't make out what shape it was before my vision got obstructed, the same thing happened when di Angelo was grabbing coffee.

I would bet my new broomstick that those were dark marks.

Mum went to Diagon Alley to buy our things for school, including a new broomstick for me, which meant we got the day off from cleaning this filthy house. Harry, Hermione, Ginny and I were in my room. Who knows what my idiot brothers are off doing?

"Guys, I saw some sort of black tattoo and both of their forearms, I couldn't get a good look though," I explained. Harry's eyebrows shot up,

"Dark marks?" He asked. 

"Perhaps," I replied. I looked over to Hermione who had her thinking face on. "What do you think?" I asked her.

"I think you might just be right," she answered. For some reason that made my heart swell with pride. But I promise, I definitely don't look to Hermione for validation.




"Good work kid!"

All night people were telling me that I was doing great! That they're proud of me. I'm not even going to pretend I didn't enjoy it.

For everything that had been happening with You-Know-Who and The Order, it almost felt like a normal night. Everyone was smiling and laughing, having a good time. Everyone except for two people.

di Angelo and Jackson came down to eat dinner with everyone else, although I could swear the emo kid didn't eat a thing, and then they just went back to their room. 

I have no idea why Dumbledore is letting them of all people come to Hogwarts, and I have even less of an idea of why he's letting them stay here, at The Order's headquarters! 

I honestly think the old man is losing his touch, they're fooling him and I know it.

"Isn't this great Ron!" Hermione giggles beside me, snapping me out of my train of thought. Her smile seems to light up the whole room.

"Yeah, it really is, but I still can't believe he chose me!" I reply with a grin. Hermione just laughs like she can't believe I don't understand, but why would I understand why he picked me when Harry is my best mate?


I woke up to the blissful sound of my mother yelling.


Then I remembered that we are going back to Hogwarts today! I woke Harry up, (he threw his pillow at me, how rude.) then put some muggle clothes on, carefully pinning my prefect badge to my jumper.

When I got downstairs I put my back-breakingly heavy trunk next to everyone else's, my mother whisked us out the door, assuring everyone Mad-Eye would take care of the luggage. Mad-Eye happened to be in a very bad mood because Sturgis Podmore, one of the guards, was late. We ended up leaving without him.

When we got to King's Cross we only had two minutes to spare. We were going through the barrier two at a time and when it was Jackson and di Angelo's turn they looked skeptical.   

"Are you sure it's safe?" di Angelo asked. I was getting fed up with them, just cause they're from America that doesn't mean they have to be stupid, so I pushed them through the barrier.

"Ronald Weasley!" My mother scolded. I gave her a sheepish grin and ran through the barrier with Harry. When we came through to the other side Jackson and di Angelo were already walking towards the train. di Angelo looked over his shoulder and sent me the deadliest glare I had ever seen, it made me want to hide behind Harry. 

After saying goodbye to Mum, Dad and Sirius (who was a dog and insisted upon coming along) we hurriedly went on the train. 

"Shall we find a compartment then? Harry asked. I exchange a look with Hermione, let's hope this goes over alright.

"Well," Hermione starts, "We have to go to the prefect's compartment, but don't worry we'll be around later!" She finishes, with far too much enthusiasm for Harry's benefit.

Harry flashes a smile and assures us that it's alright, I'm not sure if I believe him but for once in my life I'm out of his shadow, so I'm going to take this opportunity to become more than "The Boy Who Lived" 's best friend.

Nico's POV

Me and Percy get on the train, looking for an empty compartment. With no such luck, we reluctantly head towards one that contains Harry, Ginny, some brunette boy, and a blonde girl. We were just about to reach the compartment when a boy with dazzling blonde hair ran straight into me.

"Watch it, loser!" The blonde says angrily. But then he actually takes a look at me. "Who are you? I haven't seen you around before." He asks. As much as I don't feel like introducing myself, I do.

"Nico di Angelo, and this is my friend, Percy Jackson. We're transfer students from America which is why you've never seen us. We are going into the 5th year," I explain. 

The blonde boy adopts an interested look on his face. 

"Transfer students?" He mutters, "That's unusual." Then he makes direct eye contact with me and introduces himself. "Well anyways, I'm Draco Malfoy, I hope to see you two in Slytherin. And if I were to give you advice, it would be to stay away from Potter, he's nothing but arrogant and selfish," He finished and walked away, not even waiting for a response.

Despite Draco's warning me and Percy head over to Harry's compartment, I don't have a hard time believing Draco though, in the few days I've known Harry, he hasn't seemed the nicest. 

"Any more room in here?" Percy asks, sliding the compartment door open.

"Whatever," Harry grumbles with an eye roll, what a drama queen, reminds me of someone else I know.

"Who are you?" The brunette kid asks, so then we have to do an introduction to ourselves all over, it's kind of a pain.

For the remainder of the ride me and Percy don't talk much, just listen. The hours dragged by, the only amusing thing was when Harry embarrassed himself in front of some girl.

Finally, we arrive at Hogwarts, which turned out to be a castle. Apparently, we have to ride some carriages which lead us straight to the castle, the carriages happen to be pulled by some skeletal horse thing that radiates death.

"What the Hades are those?" I ask Percy, who is also staring at them. He just shrugs his shoulder in response.

"What are what?" Ron demands from behind us.

"The horses pulling the carriages," Percy says in a calm tone that I can't even imagine using while in a conversation with Ron.

"Those are pulled by magic," Ron says with a dramatic eye roll before stalking off. Is he messing with us? Then I glance around, no one else seems to notice the horses except... Well, I notice Harry and Luna looking at them too, but that might be my eyes tricking me.

After long last, we finally get to the castle. We walk through the doors and enter a grand entrance, I spot a painting and it appears to be, moving?

"Mr. Jackson, Mr. di Angelo, please come with me." A very uptight woman calls to us, her bun looks so tight that I wouldn't be surprised if her head exploded.

We followed her up the staircase and into a small room.

Word Count: 1281

This took me so long to write for literally no reason :P

Hope you have an amazhang day!

-Pais <3

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