Chapter 6

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Nico's POV

"After the first years are sorted I will explain some things to the students, and then I will call your names one at a time and you can enter the great hall through that door," the witch explained while pointing at a tall wooden door with a brass knocker on it.

She had introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, she also didn't give me a weird look like how practically everyone else had. So she seemed alright so far.

"Has anyone mentioned to you how we get sorted?" Percy asked, turning towards me. 

"Uh, no," I reply, suddenly nervous. But I can tell Percy is nervous too. For about ten minutes we sit in silence, thousands of thoughts running through my brain. How do we get sorted? Will it hurt? Will it reveal that we're demigods? Is it some test? We hear the occasional cheer from the Great Hall, why is that?

"di Angelo, Niccolò," I hear a muffled voice call, Percy nods me towards the door. I walk slowly, each footstep echoing in my ears. 

I enter the Great Hall, it's way bigger than I could have even imagined. Beside McGonagall, I notice a stool with a hat, McGonagall motions for me to sit and try it on.

Feeling foolish, I place the hat on my head.

"Hmm interesting," a small voice says in my ear. I glance around, trying to locate the voice, and then I realize that it's the hat! And no one else seems to be able to hear it. "Where to put you, where to put you." The hat ponders.

"You could do well in Gryffindor, but that doesn't seem right. Maybe Hufflepuff? I sense lots of loyalty but yours feels more personal. Ah, and ambition and drive, well that along with the personal loyalty makes you a clear, SLYTHERIN!" The hat screams the last word making me want to jump. Instead, I dig my fingers into the bottom of the stool. 

Silence rings through my head as I stand up, I head towards a table with a green, snake banner above it. Out of nowhere, the snakes burst into applause, everyone else starts to boo and hiss.

The blonde boy, Draco I think, waves over to me, I walk towards him and drop into the seat next to his.

"Nice work!" He exclaims, patting me on the back. I don't really like when people touch me but I chose to just let it slide.

"Um, thanks?" I say back, not sure why he's congratulating me. Then a girl beside me with soft brown hair tied in a knot on the top of her head, and shining brown eyes says,

"So you're really from America? I've always wanted to go there. My name's Aiden Krait, I'm glad you got Slytherin." She smiles.

"Nice to meet you," I respond, Aiden opens her mouth to say something else but is interrupted by McGonagall.

"Jackson, Perseus," She calls, I turn my head around to look, I really hope Percy gets Slytherin, I don't want to do this alone.

"Jackson's hot!" Aiden whispers,

"He has a girlfriend," I whisper back, Aiden frowns, looking disappointed.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat calls out, I feel my heart plummet.

Percy's POV

I walk towards the Hufflepuff table, unlike when Nico was announced as a Slytherin, everyone applauded me which made me think that most people don't like the green house.

I have mixed feelings about being a Hufflepuff. On one hand, Hufflepuff is the house of loyalty, which is my fatal flaw. On the other hand, I don't know anyone, which would be fine except for the fact that I know Nico struggles with making friends. Now I feel bad.

I ended up sitting down between a boy with brown hair that had streaks of purple in it, and a girl with blonde pigtails.

"Welcome to Hufflepuff!" The girl smiled, twirling her pigtails around, "I'm Hannah Abbott, it's a pleasure to meet you." 

"Ya you too," I reply, then the boy next to me starts talking, his light blue eyes wide, 

"I'm Kayden Yarrow, want a tip? Most people think Hufflepuffs are pushovers, don't let that stereotype become true." Kayden tells me in one breath, he seems very protective of his house.

"Good to know," I answer with an awkward smile, then Dumbledore stands up.

He makes some speech about who knows what, (I wasn't listening, props to my ADHD) but halfway through some pink puke-engulfing toad stands up and interrupts him, the nerve. I think the toad professor is new, her name was Umbitc- wait hold up I meant Umbridge, ya that's it. 

Umbit- I swear to the gods, I mean Umbridge, anyway, she made a boring speech that I didn't care to listen to. Something seemed off about her though, she just felt kind of, evil? I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about her. 

Finally, we got to eat, I stuffed my face with food (I really like doing that okay? Don't judge) and Kayden asked me,

"So you into quidditch?" I give him a funny look, what the Hades is quidditch?

"Into what now?" I ask. Kayden and Hannah's jaws both drop. You would think I'm stupid or something.

"Uh-yo-wha? You don't know what quidditch is?" Hannah stutters, "Like you know, the SPORT, quidditch." She says, like emphasizing the word 'sport' is going to help me understand better.

I have a feeling that I should know what quidditch is so I play along,

"Ohhhh, quidditch. Ya sorry, my brain completely shut off for a second. But uh-no I'm not that into it." I explain, hoping they'll believe me. They both look relieved, 

"Thank goodness, I thought you were born under a rock for a second, but it's kinda a crime that you don't like it," Kayden says, chuckling at the last part of his sentence. I just shrug and try to change the topic.

I glance over to Nico and the Slytherins, he's talking to a few people, which is good. However, he isn't eating anything, which isn't good.

After way too much food, including dessert, we head down a few sets of stairs and Hannah taps her wand on a barrel in a specific rhythm. A doorway appears out of nowhere and I enter a circular, yellow common room. 

Kayden leads me to the boy's dormitories and just as I'm getting into bed I realize that I'm sleeping in a room with other people, let's hope I don't wake up screaming tonight!

Word Count: 1045

Well, what do you guys think of the houses I chose?

Have a lovely day :)

- Pais <3

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