Chapter 8

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Percy's POV

I hate herbology. 

What is the point of learning about magical plants? It's not like we have a plant class in high school so why do wizards need their own plant class, it's ridiculous!

After the horrid (and only slightly terrifying) herbology class is finally over we walk back up to the castle for charms.

I walk with Kayden, who still seems slightly concerned for me after last nights.. events. Hannah and some other guy, her boyfriend, (Ernie I think?) walk with us. They all seem so nice, I hope Nico found good friends too. I'm fairly good at making friends but Nico? He usually shuts people out, I would know cause, been there, done that.

When we get to the charms classroom we find some seats and I see the tiniest adult I've ever seen. I mean this guy is shorter than Nico, and Leo! Like this guy cannot be taller than 4 feet and I realize with a start that this is our professor. Weird.

 We start the class and then my brain clicks, oh shit, I think. I have to actually perform spells in this class. This could be a disaster.

"Alright class," Professor Shorty begins, "We will kick off the year with a fun spell! Auguamenti, the water conjuring spell!" He smiles, he seems way too happy to be a teacher, good for him.

My body seems to sigh in relief as I realize I won't have to try to do magic in this class. I can simply say the word and will water to come out of the wand. No one will know that I can just make water appear.

Charms class ends up going quite well, to say the least.

"Wow!" Professor (I learned his name) Flitwick squeaks.

"Thank you, sir," I smile, glad that a teacher seems to like me. In past experiences, teachers usually think I come straight from the depths of Tartarus, they just say hell though.

"That was a really good spell," Ernie mutters in my ear, eyebrows scrunched up. Hannah and Kayden nodding behind him.

"Uh, thanks?" I whisper back, suddenly uncomfortable. I like my new friends but I don't want them to think I'm good at magic, I can only do this so well because it's water.

Kayden pats me on the back and stands up, class is over, it's time for defence against the dark arts.

Nico's POV

Transfiguration sucked. We didn't use magic until halfway through class and I was a piece of crap at turning the teapot into a.. a thing, whatever it was. The only upside was that Aiden was equally bad, and this was her 5th year of actual school.

After transfiguration we had DADA, I really would like to throw that pink toad into Tarturus. I know that's a horrible thing to wish but I never said I'm nice.

Professor Pink Toad was taking attendance, we sadly had this class with the Gryffindors.

"Mr. Angelo?" The toad called from her list. I stiffened, I hate when people mistake my last name for Angelo, it's di Angelo. So I say so

"It's di Angelo, but here," I say as politely as possible, I hate this woman already, whoops?

"Yes, yes of course," Umbridge replies, not really paying attention. She finishes her attendance and begins her lesson, "Books out, wands away. There will be no need for wands in this class, everything will be strictly book-based, please open your books and begin chapter 1, there will be no need to talk."

I suppress a groan, reading is hell, it's practically an impossible task. Other students start muttering some unkind things under their breaths that I most definitely agree with. The Toad seems to notice my look of displeasure particularly, but it's not like I tried to hide it.

"Is something wrong Mr. Angelo?" Umbridge asks. I bite my lip, it saves me from calling Umbridge something that I would never say in front of Hazel.

"Yes," I reply in as steady a voice as I can manage, "For starters, It's DI Angelo, and for my original issue, I'm dyslexic, I can't read your stupid book." I exhale, catching Draco's eye, he's trying to suppress a laugh. I feel Harry's eyes on me, I can tell he's trying to decide whether I'm lying or not.

"Hmph." Umbridge clears her throat. "well, that is no excuse for not reading, I expect just as much from you as I do everyone else," With that she stalks off leaving me perplexed. I think she's actually stupid, that would explain a lot.

After a solid two minutes of pretending to read I notice the smart girl, Hermione's, hand waving around in the air. Umbridge eventually caves and has a whispered conversation with the girl, they both seem angry.

That's when everything spirals.

To spare the details, Umbridge accusd Harry of being a liar, Harry then yelled at her, something about a guy named Voldemort, Cedric, and murder. What a fun topic.

Harry got detention for tomorrow night.

I'd had enough of this stupid argument so I decided to do something stupid, this woman is a bitch. My mother told me to never call someone that, oops.

"Why are you so stupid?" I mutter. Draco freezes. Aiden and Kass freeze. Umbridge looks in my direction and looks like she got shot.

Why are people so dramatic?

"What. Did. You. Say?" Umbridge asks me in an ever-so-calm voice.

"I said," I reply, raising my voice but remaining calm, "Why are you so stupid? I mean no one will learn anything from these books but you refuse to listen to anyone but your stupid minister dude."

Umbridge looks mortified,

"How DARE you insult me and the ministry like this, I-"

She was cut off by none other than Harry,

"Well I mean he's not wrong," he says, I glance at him, perplexed.

"This is an outrage!" The pink toad yells, "Both of you, take these to your head of houses, and get out!" She orders while scribbling something onto a piece of parchment.

I take my parchment and leave, not to see my head of house though, whoever that might be. I just open the scroll and discover I have detention all week starting tomorrow, yippee!

Percy's POV

On my way to DADA, I see Nico lingering in a corridor, looking at a piece of parchment with a disgusted expression.

"That your friend?" Ernie whispers over to me, raising a brow.

"Yep," I say absent-mindedly, I'm really wondering why Nico isn't in class, there's still another five minutes. Flitwick had been kind enough to let our class out ten minutes early, but only because some Ravenclaw hit him with a strong jet of water in the eye and he didn't want us to see him cry.

"Hey Neeks," I say, strolling up to him. "What ya got there?"

"Huh?" Nico looks around stupidly, "Oh! Hey Perce, just looking at my note for a week-long detention." I gasp, I'm not sure why I'm surprised though. Of course, he just had to get a detention on the first day of classes. And not just one detention but five!

"Of course," I mumble. Ernie whispers something to Hannah, she nods while casting an uneasy glance at my short friend. Kayden looks at Nico with a steady face but his eyes betray him. My new friends don't trust Nico, that revelation makes me slightly sad but then again, lots of people don't trust Nico.

"Eh, I don't really care, it's just detention," Nico says, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. I roll my eyes, 

"Whatever-" I get cut off by students flooding the corridors, I better get to class. (Ew I will never be saying that sentence in my life again, I promise I don't care about school, but don't tell Annabeth.) "Well see you around, kay?" I finish, Nico just waves me goodbye as we head towards the classroom.

I walk in and find nothing but a pink toad.

Word Count: 1292

Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I was visiting family and had no time to write :(

Thanks for the views!

Have an awesome day!

-Pais <3

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