Chapter 4

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Percy's POV

That night I dreamed about Tartarus. I was bending Akhlys's blood, choking her on her own misery when Annabeth screamed. She was begging me to stop, she was scared. Annabeth was scared of me. 

Then I woke up, Nico's face centimetres away from mine.

"Percy," Nico said, desperation in his voice, "Percy you're safe, you're not there anymore, neither of us are. You're okay, don't worry." 

I realize I'm shaking, I can't stop. I don't have Annabeth with me to calm me down. I start hyperventilating. What if Annabeth really is scared of me? No, she can't be, it was just a dream, right?

I let out a small whimper and hugged Nico, I just need someone I know close to me. And Nico was down in that hellhole too, but he was alone. He understands how horrible it is. Nico holds on to me, I know he usually isn't a hugger but he doesn't even flinch. He knows I need this, he's a good friend. 

"Thank you," I whisper, Nico just ruffles my hair and tells me to go back to sleep. He returns to his own bed and after what feels like hours, I drift into a dreamless, well-deserved sleep. 

When I wake up I look over to see Nico already sitting up. I have a feeling he didn't sleep at all, then I start to wonder if I woke up screaming.

"Our things have arrived," Nico says, noticing I woke up. I glance around to see what he's talking about when I spot trunks at the foot of each of our beds. Then I ignore what Nico said and ask a burning question,

"How did you know I was having a nightmare last night?" Nico looks thoughtful when he finally replies,

"I couldn't sleep last night, I looked over and you were twitching like crazy." My jaw drops, I bet I was screaming too. Nico must have seen the look of horror on my face because he hurriedly clarifies, "Don't worry, you weren't screaming, no one else will know." 

I let out a sigh of relief, as long as no one knows, I'm just peachy. Sleeping without Annabeth last night had made my nightmare 10x worse, I'm sure that's why Nico didn't even try to sleep, he doesn't have Will.

After we get dressed and ready for the day we head downstairs, the aroma of bacon fills my nostrils, I pick up the pace and walk into the kitchen, Mrs Weasley spots me, and Nico who seems to be dragging his feet behind me.

"Oh, good morning dears! Breakfast is almost ready, just sit down and I'll be there in a moment," she exclaimed. Then she fixed her gaze on Nico and offered, "Dear, you look like you didn't catch a wink. If you'd like you can go back up to bed and I'll bring you some food up."

Nico, being the happy ray of sunshine he is, scowled,

"I'm fine, I got plenty of sleep." I roll my eyes, I know for a fact he didn't sleep at all, mainly cause he told me but that's irrelevant. 

Just then the kids that had come into our room last night for a short, awkward conversation came downstairs. Mrs. Weasley bustled into the room and urged the kids to sit down. They all give us a strange look and whisper something, I really hope they don't already hate us. 

Mrs. Weasley brings in the most delicious breakfast food that I have ever seen. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles and fruit. I immediately begin loading food onto my plate. As politely as I can, I stuff my mouth full of pancakes, Annabeth would tell me I put way too much syrup on them but she's not here so she'll never know, after all, I can't drown and neither can my pancakes.

Beside me, Nico puts a few pieces of fruit on his plate and the tiniest portion of egg ever. I remember my conversation with Will before we left. He had told me that Nico has an eating and sleeping disorder, along with PTSD. He diagnosed me and Annabeth with PTSD too.

Well, if Nico was eating food at all that was good, so I wasn't going to push him to try and eat more. Nico also had a cup of coffee, the guy would definitely need it if he didn't catch any sleep.

I saw Hermione's eyes linger over Nico's plate, she looked like she wanted to ask something and just as she was opening her mouth an owl came shooting into the room. It took all of my might not to let out a girlish scream, everyone else acted like it was perfectly normal for owls to be inside houses. 

"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters," A girl with flaming red hair said, if I remember correctly, her name is Ginny.

"Ooh it's about time, we leave in just a few days!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly, why she sounded excited will always be a mystery to me.

Everyone grabbed their letter, including Nico and me, and tore them open. 

"Merlin's beard! I can't believe it!" Hermione practically shouted, "I got the prefect badge!" 

Nobody looked surprised, I had no clue what a prefect was but it must be important. Everyone's heads turned towards Harry, perhaps waiting for him to react just like Hermione, however he just remained silent. 

Blimey, I can't believe it," Ron muttered suddenly. Everyone whipped their heads around, seriously, how did no one get whiplash? "I-I got it, I'm a prefect too." He finished.

Mrs. Weasley screamed in delight, Hermione's jaw dropped, and Harry was trying (but failing) to hide a look of resentment. Ginny, Fred and George all looked disgusted. I couldn't care less.

While everyone chatted away about prefects and whatever nonsense they were I turned my attention to my letter. It was extremely difficult to read, thanks dyslexia! I eventually figured out it was a list of everything I needed for the school year, just great, I hate shopping.

Mrs. Weasley turned her attention towards me and Nico,

"I'm buying everyone's things from Diagon Alley today, if I could have your list I could get your things too." She offered, that sounded great to me, now I don't have to go shopping.

When we were finished with breakfast, Nico and I headed back to our room. Then my heart plummeted,

"Neeks, I just realized we don't have wands!" I whispered, urgency in my voice. All he did was roll his eyes,

"Did you not even look in your trunk?" He asked me. Instead of answering I sprinted the rest of the way back to our room and opened my truck. After a moment of searching, I finally found it.

It looked pretty normal, a deep brown colour, sleek and smooth. The only thing that made it special was the small trident carved at the base of the wand.

Nico crouched beside me and silently showed me his wand, it appeared the same, just with a skull rather than a trident.

I couldn't help but stare at my wand, it was pretty fascinating how wizards could perform magic out of these things, then, as if reading my wand Nico said,

"Dead tree sticks are honestly kind of cool, right?" I couldn't help but chuckle, he was such a dork.

Word Count: 1192

Sorry if the story is going kind of slow, it should pick up once they get to Hogwarts.

Love you guys!

- Pais <3

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