Chapter 2

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I had waken up to the sound of my alarm going off yay another day of school (note the sarcasm) well hey at least it's Friday. I was still laying in bed, of course I was thinking about the whole moving thing. About 20 minutes later my mom comes in and tells me to get up or she wouldn't drive me. "Fine." You could hear the annoyance in my voice, so I got up. I hate taking the bus, there are so many loud annoying kids on there. Like its 7:00 in the fucking morning. I made that mistake riding the bus, Never again. I went over to my closet to find some clothes for me to wear, I didn't take a shower because I had just taken one the night before. I picked out some blue jeans and just a plain white t-shirt, why am I wearing jeans when it's 80 degrees out? Well I have scars and cuts on my thighs...not really proud of it. So after I got my clothes on, I went into the bathroom to do my hair and brush my teeth. All I did was straighten my hair, it took about 15 minutes because I have long, thick hair. I brushed my teeth after that.....
"Ava come on, hurry up! You're gonna make me late for work and you late for school!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

"I'm trying"
I said back but it all came out muffled because I had toothpaste in my mouth.

I finished up brushing my teeth and then I put a light layer of mascara on.
I grabbed my backpack, phone and ran down they stairs trying not to fall.

"Ready" I said out of breath from rushing myself.

"Well let's go then" my mother said.

I grabbed and apple for breakfast and headed out the door with my mom behind me. She locked up the house and met me in the car, she started out the driveway and began driving me to school. Then she spoke up

"So how do you really feel about moving?" "Be honest, because how you feel matters to" she said still watching ahead at the road.

I turned away from the window to look at her.

"Well.....I don't want to move. Mom I can't just leave all my friends, and what about our family that lives here? We can't leave them. My home is here in California. But I mean you get to choose if we move and where, it's not like if I want to stay we'll stay. You have to start that job. It just upsets me that's all. So if we have to move than we have to move, I'll get over it." I said with a bit of sadness.

"I'm sorry honey, I wish we didn't have to move either but I need to take this job. This is a really good one, it's a big opportunity for me." My mom said.

"I get it mom, like I said I'll get over it." I said looking back at the window seeing the school building.

"Well we're leaving you need to start packing as soon as possible. I know you just found out yesterday but I need to start this job soon or they'll release me and I haven't even started yet." My mom said pulling into the school parking lot.
I sighed

"Can I at least invite Alex and Sophia over after school to tell them, and then help me pack...?"

"Of course baby. I'll see you when you get home" she said kissing my forehead.


Was all I said getting out of the car, I slammed the car door shut.

"Things just keep getting better and better" *note the sarcasm*
I thought to my self

As soon as I got out I saw Alex and Sophia waiting on me, they always wait for me at the car riders drop off.

"Hey guys" I smiled at them

Alex gasped "I totally forget, there's a party tonight a Josh's house! Do you guys wanna go?" Alex said enthusiastically.

Man I don't know how that girl can be so happy in the mornings.

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