Chapter 11

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The sound of my alarm had waken me up, it was currently 7:40 in the morning. I had set my alarm almost 2 hours early because I had forgotten to pack somethings last night but I was to tired to do anything from the huge incident that happened. I stayed in bed for another 10 minutes until Brandon had come in to get me up to make sure I wouldn't be late.

I started to pack the clothing and essentials I didn't get to last night, also Brandon gave me a couple of his shirts. I also put my straightener in my luggage, along with some shoes. An hour later I had everything packed up that I was taking with me, by then my mom was up as well. Brandon had came to help me with my things but I left my carry-on with me, it has my laptop, earbuds, chargers, my diary, etc.

I had eaten breakfast and finished getting ready, I wore sweats, a muscle-tee, and my black vans. I might as well be comfortable if I'm going to be sitting on a plan for six hours, yeah I know it doesn't take six hours to get from North Carolina to California but the plan has to make a stop somewhere in Utah I think that's what it said.

We all headed to the airport, I texted Nash to let him know. Sky wanted to ride with us, which Elizabeth gladly let her. I strapped Sky in her booster seat that her mother let us use and then I got in, we headed off.

We arrived at about 9:35 which gave me approximately 25 minutes to sleep, I was exhausted as hell.
I woke up to Skylynn shaking me, I checked the time on my phone and it said 9:45. It's only been 10 minutes? Sure doesn't feel like it.

"Yeah Sky?" I said groggily

"Can you take me to get some Apple juice, please?" She said with her puppy dog eyes

"Of course, let's go" I smiled and took her hand

I told my mom where we were going and she said not to be gone long, Brandon just wanted to tag along. As we walked to find a vending machine I kept stumbling over my feet, I was so tired I just wanted to get on the plane already and sleep

We finally found a vending machine that had orange juice, I bought it for her and we walked back to my gate.
Since it was exactly 10 o'clock I started to give everyone hugs because I knew they were going to call my flight anytime soon now.

Sky held on to my leg and frowned. I picked her up and hugged her tightly

"I love you Sky, I'll miss you" I told her

She didn't say anything back, she just hugged me.

'Flight 103 to San-Fransisco now boarding'

The intercom said

"Well that's me" I gave everyone one last hug, they waved as I walked to get on the plane. I turned to wave back but before I knew it they were gone.

I signed in relief as i finally reached the inside of the plane. Soon I'd be in California which I was really happy about, I was glad to leave NC to get away from everyone for a bit especially Carson. For all I know he could've been stalking me from the streets, he could've been hiding around my house. That kid is like obsessed with me or something, okay I don't even want to think of him.

I think I'll have a good time in Cali. I'd probably become great friends with the rest of the magcon members, so that's nice. Going to the beach, walks on the pier, gosh that sounds so amazing right now.

After the emergency procedures got explained the plane took off.

-- hours later --


I was getting ready to head to the airport to go pick up A, Cameron and Matt said they wanted to go, but they are still sleeping.

"Wake up!" I yelled specifically to Matt and Cam. I shook them and kept yelling until they finally got up

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