chapter 4

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As Pete lay on his bed, he pondered silently, his thoughts racing in his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling of confusion that lingered within him. Why had he hugged Vegas so suddenly? It was unlike him to act on impulse like that, especially with someone he barely knew. Yet, there was something about Vegas that made Pete's body react almost instinctively.

In his silence, Pete contemplated the warmth he had felt when Vegas had hugged him back, a fleeting moment of connection that left him feeling strangely content. Despite his inability to vocalize his thoughts, Pete found himself smiling as he hugged his piggy plushie tightly. Perhaps it was a sign that he was finally letting his guard down, allowing himself to embrace the unexpected moments of comfort and companionship that life had to offer. And for now, that was enough to ease his troubled mind.

As Pete lay on his bed, his mother entered the room, her presence disrupting the peace he had briefly found. She sat beside him, her smile masking an ulterior motive that Pete was all too familiar with. Despite her apology for her harsh words the day before, Pete could see through the facade of sincerity in her expression.

Without waiting for her to speak, Pete gestured towards the table, signaling that the money she sought was there. His mother's eyes darted to the table, then back to him, confusion evident in her expression. Understanding his message, Pete used sign language to communicate that the money was available, prompting his mother to swiftly collect it and leave without further ado.

With a heavy sigh, Pete resigned himself to the fact that he couldn't confront his mother's manipulative behavior.


"Pete what are you doing to me," Vegas mumbled to himself, reclining on his couch and gazing at the jacket he had worn earlier. Its faint scent, reminiscent of Pete, lingered in the air, stirring a strange mixture of emotions within him.

Suddenly, he heard his brother's voice. "Who is Pete?" Macau inquired, appearing in the doorway. Vegas sat up abruptly, setting the jacket aside.

"How many times have I told you to knock when you come in?" Vegas scolded, a hint of irritation creeping into his tone as he addressed his brother.

"Is he your new fuck buddy?" Macau blurted out, grinning mischievously as he leaned against the doorframe. "Please, he better not be annoying. Last time when you weren't here, one of your exes came and made a mess. It was so annoying; he left after hours."

Vegas rolled his eyes at his brother's antics. "It's not like that," he replied dismissively.

"Then is he your boyfriend?" Macau pressed, his eyebrows raised suggestively.

"What nonsense are you saying, Macau?" Vegas chuckled, shaking his head. "Boyfriend? I don't do relationships. He's just fun to be around, that's all."

"Just fun to be around, so it means he'll be your fuck buddy soon," Macau remarked with a sigh, leaning back against the doorframe.

Vegas rolled his eyes at his brother's comment. "You should actually try doing a relationship for once. Maybe give this one a try? I'm seeing you like this for the first time," Macau suggested.

Vegas didn't reply, his thoughts elsewhere. He quickly changed the topic. "What did you want?"

"Oh, I forgot. We're going to the main family tomorrow," Macau replied.

Vegas almost hissed out of annoyance. "My day is already ruined before it even started," he muttered to himself.

Next day, Vegas purposefully arrived late at the main family. As he entered the meeting room, the atmosphere tensed, and all eyes turned to him. His smirk widened as he surveyed the room, taking in the stern faces of his uncle and elder brothers.

Ignoring the expectant silence, he sauntered to his seat, his posture oozing confidence. He made a show of adjusting his jacket before finally settling down, crossing one leg over the other.

"So, what's this unnecessary meeting for?" Vegas drawled, his voice cutting through the tense air with a hint of sarcasm.

"Vegas, behave," his father's voice cut through the room.

Vegas leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What? I did nothing. It's not like I'm pointing a gun at Kinn right now," he quipped, a smirk playing on his lips as he glanced towards Kinn, who let out an exasperated sigh.

His uncle interjected, attempting to steer the conversation back on track. "Well, we are here to discuss something. Now that Vegas is finally here, we can talk about this," he said, directing his attention to Vegas.

"What it has to do with me?" vegas asks
After a pause his uncle replied "Your father and I has decided that you will be going abroad and taking over the business there and for that" his uncle take another pause and says "You have to get married in next 4 months and after that you will leave this country".

Vegas's expression hardened as his uncle delivered the news. "What does my marriage have to do with running a business abroad?" he retorted, his tone laced with defiance.

His father intervened, his voice stern. "It's a part of the deal, Vegas. You need to establish connections and alliances in the new territory, and marriage is one way to solidify those ties."

Vegas leaned back in his chair, a scowl forming on his face. "And what if I refuse?" he challenged, his gaze locked with his father's.

His father's eyes narrowed. "Then you will be cut off from the family and the business. You know the consequences of defying us, Vegas."

Vegas clenched his jaw, his mind racing with anger and frustration. He knew he was being backed into a corner, forced to make a choice between his autonomy and his family's expectations.

Vegas's laughter was bitter as he processed the weight of his father's words. "So I really have no other option than to marry someone?" he muttered, a sense of resignation creeping into his tone. "Wow, uncle, why don't you use your own sons for this? Why me?"

Before he could voice any further protest, his father interjected sternly, "I made the deal. His sons have nothing to do with it."

Vegas let out another hollow chuckle, his expression a mixture of defiance and resignation. "It's literally do and die for me, isn't it? So have it your way," he declared, his voice edged with a sense of finality as he stood up.
Vegas stormed out of the meeting room, his temper flaring with each step. He barely spared a glance for the guard standing near Kinn as he delivered a swift kick in frustration before storming out of the room. His rage only intensified as he reached his motorcycle, unleashing a kick against it, the metal frame vibrating under the force.

"What a great way to ruin my whole life," he muttered darkly, his voice laced with bitterness and resentment as he grappled with the weight of the unexpected demand placed upon him by his family.

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