chapter 7

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Vegas walked through the dimly lit streets of the city, the neon lights casting an otherworldly glow around him. His footsteps echoed softly against the pavement as he made his way to Pete's shop. It had become a ritual, a routine that he couldn't break even if he wanted to.

Every day, without fail, Vegas found himself drawn to Pete's workshop. He couldn't explain it, couldn't put a name to the emotions swirling inside him. Love? No, that couldn't be possible. Not in their line of work, where attachments were dangerous and emotions were a liability.

He had been taught from a young age to never fall in love, to never let his guard down. But Pete was different. Pete made him feel things he had never felt before, things he couldn't quite understand. Was it love? No, it couldn't be.

As Vegas stood outside Pete's shop, he wrestled with his emotions, trying to convince himself that it was just a passing attraction, something that would fade with time. But deep down, he knew it wasn't that simple. Pete had awakened something inside him, something he couldn't ignore.

When Pete waved his hand in front of him, Vegas returned to reality.
Pete grinned as he glanced at him. Vegas just returned his smile.
Pete then asked, "Are you here today too?" in sign language.Do you not go to work every day?

Vegas felt a pang of guilt as Pete signed his question. How could he explain to Pete that he wasn't who he claimed to be? That he was hiding a secret identity, one that could put them both in danger if it were ever revealed?

With a forced smile, Vegas nodded and signed back, "Just needed a break today. Work can wait." It was a half-truth, one that he hoped Pete would accept without prying further.

Pete nodded understandingly, his expression filled with warmth and concern. He didn't push the issue, instead gesturing for Vegas to join him for the walk. As they walked side by side, Vegas couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him. How could he continue to deceive Pete, the one person who had managed to break through his defenses and touch his heart?

But for now, Vegas pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the present moment with Pete. He knew that the truth would have to come out eventually, but for now, he would cherish these stolen moments of connection, no matter how fleeting they may be.

Come with me to my house, Pete, signed for Vegas.
And Vegas was once again taken back —YOUR HOME?Vegas nearly cried out, but seeing pete looking at him in confusion , he hurriedly signed "I meant your home right now."Vegas signed Pete gave a nod.

At night, his house?Vegas told himself, "No the hell, I'm thinking that Pete isn't that kind of guy," and he was attempting to ignore his inner voice.

Vegas nodded to Pete's suggestion, and they began to move towards his house side by side. At that moment, Pete started to type something on his phone.

"I know you still struggle with sign language, which is why I'm writing this, but I just wanted to offer an invitation so you could enjoy my cooking. The last time I brought you sandwiches, you mentioned to me how much you enjoyed home-cooked meals."

And with a smile on his face, Pete handed Vegas his phone, which Vegas nearly dropped cause he got so lost in pete smile but he caught it up and read it. His heart nearly melted at Pete's thoughtful gesture.

When they got to Pete's house, he seemed nervous vegas didn't know why, so he told Vegas to wait a minute before hurriedly leaving Vegas alone. Outside of Pete's house, Vegas simply stayed there, scanning the neighbourhood for anything unexpected. What could he do?

Since he was a young child, he has been raised to be like this because, to be a mafia, one must practically view everyone as their enemy.

However, when it came to Pete, he had never imagined that someone could be so kind—especially since Pete always has a smile on his face and is kind even in the face of difficult circumstances.

Vegas snapped out of his thoughts when Pete waved his hand in front of him, questioning "Why he is smiling alone?". Vegas shook his head, choosing not to explain, and Pete simply nodded before inviting Vegas to follow him to his house.

As Vegas followed Pete to his house, he couldn't shake off the feeling of warmth and comfort that enveloped him. It was a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere of his own mansion, always brimming with guards and an air of unease.

Entering Pete's humble abode, Vegas was taken aback by how inviting it felt. Despite its small size, it exuded a sense of homeliness that he had never experienced before. This was the first time he had felt such warmth and ease in his life as a mafia member.

As Pete gestured for Vegas to sit and wait while he prepared something, Vegas quickly signed that he wanted to help. Pete shook his head, insisting that Vegas was his guest and he wanted to treat him. "No,I want to help you too", Vegas persisted, expressing his concern for Pete working alone. However, seeing Pete's smile fade as he struggled to understand, Vegas quickly remembered to use sign language and conveyed his message, emphasizing his desire to help him.

The awkward moment passed, but Pete quickly smoothed it over with a smile. "You just sit here, I'll handle the cooking, okay? And remember, you can't say anything. You have to listen to the house owner for today," Pete signed, pointing to himself. Vegas chuckled at his gesture and nodded in agreement, giving up any further resistance.

Hearing a sound Vegas rushed into the kitchen, his heart pounding with worry, only to be met with the sight of Pete's pained expression. Hot water had spilled everywhere, and Pete was cradling his burnt hand.

"Pete, are you okay? Does it hurt?" Vegas asked, his concern evident in his voice as he gently took Pete's hand in his.

But Pete withdrew his hand from Vegas's grasp, his expression pained. "Vegas, you should leave. I'm sorry I wasted your time today," he signed, his movements heavy with regret.

Vegas felt a pang of hurt and confusion, but he refused to leave his friend in distress. "I'm not leaving you like this, Pete. Let me help," he signed firmly, his determination unwavering.

No you shouldn't stay with me anymore I am useless didn't you see this all?I can't even call anyone for help when it's needed pete signed while crying why would you want someone like me who can't speak and hear at all vegas?Pete signed

Vegas's heart ached as he watched Pete's tears fall. But despite Pete's despair, Vegas couldn't bring himself to leave.

"Pete, you're not useless," Vegas signed, his hands moving with gentle reassurance. "You're important to me, and I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

No vegas i am useless I can't even hear you I can't even understand what I say most of the times you deserve someone who can hear you and talk back to you like human would not me I am not for people like you
Pete signed

Vegas held Pete in a tight embrace, his heart heavy with empathy for his pete's pain. Words seemed inadequate in the face of Pete's self-doubt and despair.

"You're not useless, Pete," Vegas whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "You're very special to me, and that's all that matters. I don't need someone who can hear me; I need you."

Pete buried his face in Vegas's shoulder, his tears dampening Vegas's shirt.

As they broke the hug and Pete gazed into Vegas's eyes, his heart swelled with emotion, ready to pour out his feelings in sign language. But before he could utter a word, Vegas gently held his hands, signifying that he had something to say first.

"Pete, before you say anything," Vegas signed, his movements deliberate and heartfelt, "let me tell you something. No matter how hard you push me away, I will never leave you. You're a part of me now, and I can't imagine my life without you. You mean everything to me."

Tears welled up in Pete's eyes, his disbelief melting away in the warmth of Vegas's words. For the first time, he felt truly seen and cherished, his heart overflowing with isn't lying to him right?he isn't lying to him cause of his condition right?he will never recover from this if vegas words are just a mere lies he might not even survive it.

Then, as Vegas cupped Pete's cheeks and leaned in, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them suspended in a moment of pure connection. Pete's breath caught in his throat as Vegas hovered just inches away, his eyes searching for confirmation.

In that instant, Pete made a choice – to be selfish, to embrace this unexpected love that had blossomed between them. Closing the gap between them, he met Vegas's lips in a fervent kiss, their passion igniting like wildfire, consuming them both in its intensity.

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