chapter 10

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"I will not send you to any blind dates anymore"
Vegas's father's words pierced through the silence, landing heavily on Vegas's shoulders. His gaze met his father's, but he remained tight-lipped.

The mere mention of no more blind dates set off warning bells in Vegas's mind. He knew his father's gestures of leniency often preceded more oppressive measures. A chill crept down Vegas's spine as he braced himself for what was to come.

He could feel the tension building, his father's unspoken words hanging like a storm cloud over their conversation. Despite his best efforts to maintain composure, Vegas couldn't shake the sinking feeling that his father's next move would plunge him into even deeper turmoil.

"We have already picked up a girl for you. Let's get done with you marriage as soon as possible, and then you can go to USA."

Vegas's father's words hit him hard, like a punch to the gut. He stared back, silently pleading for the conversation to end. But his father continued, dropping the bombshell that they had already picked his future spouse, and the wedding was set for next month. Then came the kicker – he'd be shipped off to the USA right after tying the knot.

When Vegas heard his father's words, his heart sank like a stone. The mere thought of a life without Pete, of marrying someone else and leaving his homeland, was unthinkable. He couldn't bear the idea of being separated from Pete even for a single day, let alone for a lifetime.

As his father laid out the blueprint for his future, Vegas felt a surge of defiance rising within him. He couldn't go along with this plan, not when it meant sacrificing his happiness and his love for Pete.

"I will not do this. I am not marrying anyone," Vegas declared firmly, his voice tinged with determination. He refused to allow his father to dictate his life, especially when it meant tearing him away from the person he loved most in the world.

His father angrily looked at him and throwed the flower pot which was near him at Vegas.

Vegas braced himself as the flower pot hurtled towards him, crashing into his shoulders with a sickening thud. Shards of glass exploded around him as the pot shattered, but Vegas didn't flinch. He had grown accustomed to his father's outbursts, both physical and verbal.

As his father's angry tirade washed over him, Vegas remained stoic, his expression hardened by years of defiance. The pain radiating from his shoulders was nothing compared to the ache in his heart at the thought of betraying Pete.

"I'm not crazy," Vegas retorted, his voice steady despite the chaos around him. "I won't sacrifice my happiness for your business deals. I refuse to be a pawn in your game any longer."

His father's words only fueled Vegas's resolve. He refused to back down, no matter the consequences. For the first time in his life, he was taking a stand for what truly mattered to him – his love for Pete.

"What are you saying vegas?"."You lived you life for this day and now you don't want it?"."why are you doing this?".

Vegas stood his ground, his eyes blazing with defiance as he faced his father's incredulous reaction. He had rehearsed this moment in his mind countless times, but now that it was here, the weight of his father's disappointment bore down on him like a heavy burden.

"I don't want to marry someone I don't love," Vegas finally confessed, the words heavy with truth and conviction. He braced himself for his father's inevitable backlash, knowing all too well how his father viewed matters of the heart.

His father's chuckle cut through the tension like a knife. "Love? In this world, love is nothing but a fantasy," he sneered, dismissing Vegas's sentiments with a wave of his hand. "Are you doing this because of some girl? Don't tell me you've knocked up some random girl."

"Dad, no!" Vegas protested strongly, his voice rising in anger. "I won't stoop to your level and get some girl pregnant just to avoid this marriage."

But his father's patience wore thin, and in a fit of rage, he lashed out, delivering a stinging slap across Vegas's cheek. "How dare you talk back to me like that?" he thundered, his eyes ablaze with fury. "Who is this girl who has you defying me?"

Vegas met his father's furious gaze with a steely resolve, his mind swirling with thoughts of Pete. He couldn't bring himself to reveal the truth, to let his father know that it wasn't about some random girl, but about the man he loved more than anything in the world.

"I've made my final decision, Dad," Vegas declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "I will not marry anyone, no matter what."

"Then you will have to leave this life, and you will no longer be attached to our name anymore," Vegas's father stated firmly.

Vegas's father's ultimatum hung heavy in the air, the weight of his words echoing in the tense silence that followed.

With a bitter chuckle, Vegas acknowledged the inevitable consequence of his defiance. "I already know I'll be cast out, disowned, maybe even worse, you will kill me". he admitted, his voice tinged with resignation. "But I'd rather face that fate than betray myself and the person I love."

As Vegas walked away, he knew time was not on his side. He had to ensure Pete's safety, knowing that his father would likely send men to search for the person Vegas loved. In this family, choosing love meant risking death, a truth Vegas understood all too well from his mother's tragic fate.

Determined to protect Pete at all costs, Vegas quickly formulated a plan. He needed to send Pete to a safe place where his father's reach couldn't touch him. With each step he took, the weight of his decision bore down on him, but he refused to falter. Pete's safety was paramount, even if it meant sacrificing his own life in the process.

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