chapter 5

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Vegas parked his motorcycle by the rusted iron gates that guarded the entrance to the abandoned riverside location. The once grand estate was now overrun with tangled vines and crumbling stone walls, a testament to its forgotten past. He followed a winding path that led to a secluded spot overlooking the river, where the sound of rushing water provided a soothing backdrop to his troubled thoughts.

As he sat on a weathered bench, the cool breeze tousled his hair, carrying with it the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the deserted landscape. In the distance, the faint hum of traffic reminded him of the bustling city he was trying to escape.

Frustration and anger simmered beneath the surface as he grappled with his predicament. He clenched his fists, the muscles in his jaw tensing as he tried to push back against the constraints of his fate. But no matter how hard he resisted, the weight of responsibility bore down on him like a heavy burden.

Vegas heard rustling sounds alternating his sense.Vegas's heart raced as he gripped the handle of his gun tightly, his senses on high alert. The rustling grew louder, drawing closer with each passing moment. His mind raced with possibilities, each one more ominous than the last. Was it an intruder, a rival gang member, or worse, an assassin sent by his enemies? Well Whoever it was, they were not going to make alive from here.

"Who's there? Come out!" Vegas's voice rang out, firm and commanding, cutting through the stillness of the abandoned riverside location. His finger hovered over the trigger, ready to defend himself against any threat.

As the figure emerged from the shadows, Vegas's grip on his gun tightened even further. But his confusion was palpable when he realized it was Pete. Pete's wide eyes darted nervously between Vegas and the gun pointed in his direction, his hands raised in a gesture of surrender.

"What are you doing here, Pete?" Vegas demanded, his voice laced with suspicion. Despite the tension in the air, he made deliberate hand movements, hoping Pete would understand his silent communication.

Pete's expression was a mix of fear and confusion as he struggled to comprehend the situation. He took a cautious step forward, his movements slow and deliberate, as if afraid to provoke any further aggression from Vegas. With a shaky voice, he began to explain his presence in the deserted riverside location, his words punctuated by nervous gestures and pleading eyes.

Pete's confusion deepened as he stood before Vegas, the man he had only recently begun to know. This abandoned riverside spot had been Pete's refuge, a place of solace where he could escape from the noise and chaos of the world. But today, it seemed that sanctuary had been invaded by an entirely different presence.

Vegas stood before him, his stance rigid and his expression hardened, a stark contrast to the Vegas Pete had come to know. The gun in Vegas's hand seemed to symbolize a threat, a danger lurking beneath the surface of the man Pete had thought he understood.

As Pete looked into Vegas's eyes, he saw a darkness there, a turmoil that he couldn't begin to fathom. It was as if he were staring into the eyes of a stranger, someone unfamiliar and unpredictable. The man standing before him bore the same face as Vegas, but there was something different, something unsettling, about him.

Pete's confusion turned to apprehension as he realized he was face to face with a side of Vegas he had never seen before—a side that seemed capable of violence and aggression. Unsure of what to do next, Pete took a tentative step back, his instincts warning him to tread carefully in the presence of this unfamiliar Vegas.

Pete tried to communicate using sign language saying "I always come here in my free time", but he felt powerless knowing Vegas might not understand him. Despite his fear, Pete gestured for Vegas to follow him, hoping to convey that he meant no harm. Vegas, still wearing the same intense expression, lowered his gun and cautiously followed Pete, his guard still up.

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