chapter 9

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Later that day, when Pete and Vegas met up, Pete noticed the tension in Vegas's demeanor. With a concerned look, he signed, asking what was wrong. Vegas brushed off the question with a shake of his head, but Pete could sense that something was troubling him.

Choosing not to press the issue, Pete decided to let it go for the time being. Instead, he suggested they take a walk by the riverside, hoping to lift Vegas's spirits.

As they strolled hand in hand, Pete suddenly stopped, prompting Vegas to raise an eyebrow inquisitively. With a mischievous smile, Pete bent down and picked something up from the ground before handing it to Vegas.

Vegas looked down at the smooth stone in his hand, feeling a wave of confusion wash over him at Pete's unexpected gift. As he glanced up at Pete, his expression questioning, Pete began to type on his phone.

"Remember when we first met, and you pointed that gun at me"🥲? This was the stone we used to write on the walls. When I came here later, I scrubbed your name into this stone. Here, see? I thought I lost it. I wanted to give it to you, but I thought it was lost. Now see, you found it."

Pete handed his phone to Vegas, who felt his heart swell with emotion as he read the message. The realization of Pete's thoughtfulness washed over him, leaving him speechless. It was moments like these that reminded Vegas of the depth of Pete's care and affection, filling him with a warmth that radiated from deep within.

As Vegas observed the stone, he noticed not only his name scrubbed into it but also painted with black and blue, making it even more beautiful. However, in that moment, nothing seemed as beautiful as Pete himself.

A smile tugged at Vegas's lips as he looked at Pete, who was already gazing at him with adoration in his eyes. Feeling a surge of emotion, Vegas couldn't hold back any longer.

Suddenly, he reached out and pulled Pete close, surprising him. Before Pete could utter a word, Vegas pressed his lips against Pete's, the kiss filled with passion and longing. In that fleeting moment, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the intensity of their shared connection.

Pete, his cheeks still flushed from the kiss, signed that he was hungry, eager to change the subject to alleviate his shyness.

Vegas responded with a smirk, signing back, "For?"

Pete, not quite catching the implication behind Vegas's question, simply signed, "Food?"

Vegas chuckled softly, gently caressing Pete's cheeks. "Oh, my sweet innocent one," he murmured, though Pete didn't quite understand the comment, looking at Vegas with confusion.

Shaking his head, Vegas signed, "I was saying let's go eat, shall we?"

Relieved to hear the topic return to food, Pete nodded eagerly, his stomach rumbling in agreement.

Pete signed with enthusiasm, expressing his fondness for the restaurant they were in. He settled into his seat happily, while Vegas observed their surroundings with a hint of uncertainty. Vegas had initially planned to take Pete to a more expensive restaurant for a quiet and intimate date. However, Pete had taken charge and brought them here before Vegas could intervene.

As they sat amidst the lively crowd, filled with people much older than them, Pete couldn't help but join in the joyous atmosphere. The patrons, in their 50s and 60s, were singing, dancing, and enjoying themselves to the fullest. Pete clapped along, his eyes sparkling with delight at the sight of their happiness.

Vegas couldn't help but feel a bit out of place amidst the lively scene. He had envisioned a more tranquil setting for their date, but seeing Pete's joyous reaction softened his reservations. He found himself smiling at Pete's infectious enthusiasm, grateful for the chance to experience this moment together.

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