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I hold my legs close to me and lean on Toothless. "What did I do? Now Hiccup knows I've been stabbed and he's aware of... ARGH!" I yell and stand up.
I look at the axe in my hand I throw it and hits a target. I pull it off the target and turn to throw it again. "It's me Ahh don't kill me!" Hiccup yells covering his face. I pull my hand down. "Oh sorry.." I say.

I walk back and sit with Toothless, Hiccup sits next to me. "Astrid... Tell me everything but first start with earlier. When?" He says. I sigh "A couple of months ago." I admit. He looks at me.

"What Exactly did she do?" Hiccup demands. This wimp in front me actually thinks I'll crack? Ha! Hiccup looks at me. "Hiccup do you actually think I will tell you!" I yell. He looks down for a moment.
"Well.. fine I guess I'll just leave my dad to ask you." He says. I groan I would have to crack to Stoick. I point my axe at Hiccup. "If you tell your dad my Axe will be the last thing you see This is my Battle!" I demand.

He nods, I relax and put the axe down. "I was out, When I came home my mom was yelling into the phone. She hung up and looked at me I sensed her tension and tried to back away she started throwing things at me Bowls, Spoons, Plates and... A knife. Now I won't exaggerate and say it jabbed into my chest and I died. Exetera  but really it just nicked me but it bled a lot it was a deer skinnin knife. I had to wrap a bandage around my Boo- err Chest... I got looked from other people that probably wanted to kill me because it made my chest push up, Of coarse Snoutlout thought it was for him.

Tuff and Ruff was at camp, Heather being a brat attacked me causing the small cut open up I lost lot's of blood and was weak. But.. it's the past now right?" I Confess. Hiccup stares at me a mixture of emotions In his eyes. "Well... I want to know everything else that has happened to you.. but not right now..." He says. I nod and hug Toothless.

Hiccup looks at me "Hiccup you know the kiss meant nothing right?" I say. Hiccup's eyes wander from mine to my lips. "You know that right?" I ask getting worried. He looks back to my eyes. "Uhh, yeah sure I knew that..." He says. I look at him "Good wanted that not to be on my chest." I say.

He stiffens at the word 'chest' Why is Fishbone so protective suddenly? A piece of paper could beat him up. I sigh and start scrolling through my phone.

Emerald green&Ocean blue (A modern httyd fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now