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You hate for what I am secretly. then how am I supposed to tell you my truth , knowing that it will hurt not only me but you.

You will be betrayed and I will be heartbroken. I don't want you to leave me and this beautiful world , which we have made - it will shatter if a word comes out of me which belongs to truth.

I don't want to lie but I can't say the truth either.

You might say that it is selfish but I don't care. Because I know that I might loose my life the moment you leave me.

I can't let you go. Not now. Not never EVER , my baby....

Jungkook's words echoed in the office which ended with pure and absolute silence in there.

Jungkook glanced at the billionaire who was unbothered as usual with the no different expressionless face.

While Jimin had a soft face with mild serious expressions which made Jungkook feel a little bit of awkward.

Whatever the internet said about his career was right and logical but whatever it wrote about his personality was just so weird and upsetting.

The silence went for a mere seconds more before Jimin asked looking right in Jungkook's face. " Do you think that it is true?--"

" off course not!" Jungkook was fast to answer sternly. A frown wrinkled his eyebrows as he spoke in distaste. " I don't believe such a shit man! never would. It said everything just so weird about you and I still can't believe that they have the audacity to think like that about you. How can somebody dare to put such shitty thought of theirs online? Aren't they afraid of anything?"

Jungkook was seriously upset about what had happened and that could be shown by his deep and unhappy expression.

" You know what was written , yet you haven't taken any actions upon the site. Why? Don't you feel disgust when they write something like that?" Jungkook asked Jimin whose smile faded slowly and his jaw ticked for a mere second and Jungkook saw it.

Maybe he is angry on those rumors. well....he should.

But soon enough his expressions went back to normal when he gazed at Jungkook's side.

" I can't help it. You must know that getting fame also brings nuisance in your life, don't you?" Taehyung cut in between the two , looking at Jimin with a supportive smile. " Let them talk all they want. Because the truth will always be the truth doesn't matter if the lie is spoken thousands times." Taehyung's words were so right that Jungkook nodded at them with a smile.

" Yes. and that's why I didn't even bother to think about them.--"

" But you searched upon me." Jimin cuts him off with a slight disappointment lingering in his voice. The model looked up at the elder with an apologetic facial expression and spoke softly." I am sorry for that. I really am. I was just curious because I didn't know you." Jungkook pouted which looked was very cute for someone of his age for the elders.

" You do." Jimin's words were firm. Familiar voice, ' You know me.' Very familiar~ Jungkook's head flipped to Taehyung when he felt the cold hand of elder on his shoulder. " Talks can be left for further. You have days to enjoy and talk all you want. But lets clear a little work that's left." He said making Jungkook nod.

" And I wanted to ask you something?" Taehyung asked looking a little hesitant to Jungkook. " Yeah. Sure."

" Well....I want to invest in your company." Taehyung's words crashed in Jungkook's mind who tilted his head with wide eyes.

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