Bait and Lure

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Sabine Wren is marched out of her cell in the Dathomiri fortress by two weary looking stormtroopers and up into an outer chamber, where Morgan Elsbeth, the three Mothers and Thrawn who looks at the captive Mandalorian with a small smile.

Sabine stares at the Chiss former Grand Admiral with distain as he calmly murmurs,
"How good it is to see a familiar face after so long in exile."

"Where is Ezra?" Wren asks with a hoarse voice-

Thrawn ignores her question and begins to pace around the Mandalorian artist openly stating,
"I am curious about your place here Lady Wren...  I am told you were key to my return to the known galaxy... I would like to hear your side of things..."

Sabine struggles against the two troopers holding her back and remains silent as Thrawn continues,
"Disappointing but expected. I believe you merely accepted my inevitable return in exchange for something or more accurately someone you hold dear..."

The Grand Admiral then steps before Wren and coldly asks,
"I can only ponder on how you must feel... It does not seem wise to risk the galaxy the war I will bring in the hopes of finding your lost friend."

Sabine glares at his red eyes, "You wouldn't understand."

Thrawn forms a little smile, "You're right. I wouldn't. Unfortunately, that hope was deeply misplaced."

Sabine's eyes widen as Thrawn calmly utters,
"Over a decade ago, your Jedi friend Ezra Bridger used his mystics to summon those creatures which brought us here- or at least that was his plan."

"You see, the Purrgil that took hold of my star destroyer also left the bridge exposed, and when it entered hyperspace, everyone there was sucked out. I only survived because the creature's tentacles took hold of me."
Thrawn says in a monotone voice, his face expressionless.

Sabine freezes in place and stops struggling and can only express dread as Thrawn says calmly,
"Ezra Bridger is dead."

A few tears form around Sabine's eyes as she thrashes wildly before yelling out,
"You're lying! He's not-! I know he's alive! I-I could feel him-!"

Thrawn looks away absentmindedly,
"Guards, take her way. She will serve a purpose later."

Once the two damaged looking stormtroopers drag an erratic Sabine away, Morgan looks to Thrawn with a puzzled expression,
"What use could she have? Why do we not depart this forsaken planet?"

The Chiss turns to Elsbeth with a calm expression, "The Great Mothers and I made a deal once I awoke them from their enchanted chambers: In exchange for their communication to you, I would not only take them with us back to the galaxy, but also to enhance their magicks."

Elsbeth glances back at the three older witches before turning back at Thrawn,
"And how might this happen?"

"There is a ritual which enables the Great Mothers to... take the life force energies from another- that being those strong in the Force."
Thrawn before adding quietly,
"Considering the circumstances, I have a rather elusive person in mind."

Morgan continues to express confusion, "Then why Ezra Bridger? Let him be stranded here- allow Wren and a dead Force wielder to be the sacrifices needed-"

The three Dathomirian witches speak together in unison, "We require a strong and living vessel to take the life force from... the girl's bond with this Jedi may prove useful."

Thrawn continues, "Tonight they will use what little magicks they possess to lure out Bridger with the bait you have caught... if our efforts are fruitless-"

The Chiss briefly glances over in the far distance to where Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati are watching from a nearby balcony,
"-There are always alternatives to consider."

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