Chapter 7 - full chapter.

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A couple of days later.

It's Saturday morning and I'm woken up by loud banging on my front door. Whoever it is, they're certainly keen, it's only 9:30am!

"Alright for fuck sake, keep your hair on, I'm coming!" I shouted through the door.

I opened the door and was shocked at who was standing there.

"You?" I answered, clearly in shock.

"Yes it's me, you do remember who I am don't you?" The person answered, sarcastically.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I've come to see you" They sneered.

"Well, I've got nothing to say to you, so can you please leave?" I asked them.

"Who is it Tula?" My mum called from upstairs.

"Oh no-one, it's just one of my old mates!" I shouted back upstairs.

"One of your old mates eh? I take it Mummy doesn't know what a cow her little "princess" is?" They snarled at me.

"No she does not and I would like it to stay that way!" I hissed at them.

"What are you going to do?" They laughed at me.

"A lot more damage than you care to realise! Now fuck off and don't ever come back!" I warned them.

"Oh I'll go for now, Tula. I will be back though and when I come back, I WILL take my revenge on you for what you did because don't you think for one second I've forgotten what you did! I'm going to smash your world into tiny pieces just like you smashed mine, you little bitch!" They threatened me.

I closed the door behind me and went back up to bed. I wasn't scared of him. I wasn't going to let him threaten and bully me. I've had that for months and I'm not prepared to put up with it any longer.

I got up a few hours later. I decided to go to the police to tell them the guy had been round at my house this morning and he'd threatened me. I was told to go back if he came near me again.

I thought I might be a "grass" for telling the police but I just wanted him to leave me alone. As for him blaming things on me, I've never done a thing to hurt him in anyway. It's all in his deluded little head. I shouted upstairs to tell my Mum I was going out.

"Mum, I'm off out!" I shouted upstairs.

"OK bye love!" She shouted back downstairs.

Well, that was easy. I thought I was going to get the whole "where are you going?" routine. I set off for the police station and got there twenty minutes later. I told the man on the desk I'd like to make a formal complaint of threatening behaviour against my rapist.

"Take a seat and someone will be down shortly" The man replied.

"Thank you" I smiled.

I sat down on one of the chairs and waited for someone to come and see me. I only had to wait a few minutes. I was told to follow an officer into a room and I explained to them that he came round at 9:30am this morning and he started hurling abuse at me saying "he was gonna get me" for something I've supposedly done, which I've got no idea what I'm supposed to have done to him when it's him whos attacked me.

I was finished fifteen minutes later. Police were sent round to his to arrest him for breaching his bail conditions. I'm not going to have him coming round to mine and my Mum's house at 9:30am and threatening me.

A couple of hours later.

I was at home watching DVD's. The police informed me that he had admitted to coming round this morning and threatening me and that, as well as being on trial for rape, he'll also be on trial for threatening behaviour towards his rape victim (me) and that, for now at least, he'll have to stay in the cells. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. That was, until a brick came flying through the window as I was downstairs...

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