Chapter 9.

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A/N: Sorry it's so short but I couldn't think of much to write.

A few days later.

I found out my rapist had been charged with two counts of rape and one count of threatening behaviour and he'd been sentenced to a minimum of three and a half years. That was nowhere near enough as far as I was concerned but at least it was something. 

There was a knock at the door. I stood up to answer it. It was Dappy.

"Alright Daps?" I smiled.

"Yeah you?" He replied.

"Yeah, the guy's been locked up for three years. He's charged with two counts of rape. There was one obviously against me and one against someone else and one count of threatening behaviour towards me" I answered.

"That's a good thing right?" He asked me.

"Yeah of course it is" I smiled weakly.

"You don't look too happy about it?" He questioned me.

"I am. I'm just worried about his mates. What if they come after me?" I feared.

"Then they'll get my fist through their head!" Dappy grinned.

I love you sometimes!" I told him.

"Shouldn't that be all the time?" He added.

We sat down and decided to play the PlayStation together. This was one thing I was good at and Dappy wasn't so whenever he gave me any rubbish, I'd just bash him on the PlayStation. He hated being beaten on it but it's not my fault he's rubbish on it!

An hour or so later.

Dappy got a text off his mate and he told me he had to go. He said he'd be back another day. We said our goodbyes and he left. I was back to being left on my own. I decided to go up to my room and lay on my bed. I lay staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. I was struggling to come to terms with what had happened and the fact that I'd more than likely, never trust another man unless he's family.

I grabbed my laptop off the floor under my bed. I switched it on and decided to log onto Facebook. I had twenty notifications, three friend requests and 4 messages. I only accepted two of the friend requests I'd received. I wasn't sure who the other person was, so I ignored it. I checked through the notifications quickly and ignored the messages. I logged back out and turned my laptop off again.

A short while later.

I got out of bed and decided to get some food and a drink. I wasn't up to eating much but I knew I had to eat and drink. Suddenly, the weird messages started again. Why won't people just leave me alone? Haven't I been through enough? I decided to go to the police and get the number traced. It was an unknown number so going to the police was the only way to solve this.

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