• chapter one •

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So, as you may know from tiktok: English is not my native language and as I still don't know how to use ao3, I still won't be able to post this story there so that people can read it in their languages after translating it.

I hope you enjoy the story and don't take it to heart that James is in it, he's a secondary character even though he's a possible second option for Keith, and I just wanted to do something about them and Lance and Klance relationship after the war.

(nothing that happens in this fanfic after the end of Voltron's eighth season is canon)


Keith should have been happy, but for some reason he wasn't.

The war was over, they had managed to defeat Honerva and everyone was safe. But Keith couldn't feel happy, even after everything. Maybe it was Allura's death, or maybe it was the fact that she declared her love for Lance before sacrificing herself for the universe, making her a hero.

The red paladin should imagine that Allura also loved Lance, despite the many dumps she dumped on him in the past because of Lotor. But she - like Keith - must have noticed the good qualities of the blue lion paladin and truly fell in love with him.

And Keith, as much as he fell in love with Lance the moment he laid eyes on him, he couldn't compete with a princess like Allura. He knew that there would never be any chances for him if by any chance he decided to confess his passion to Lance, he would deny it and say that he was tremendously in love with Allura. Keith understood that, after all, Allura was beautiful, exuberant and a great leader for them, and Keith... Well, he was him.

There was no room for him in Lance's heart, and he was learning to deal with that. For his sake and for the sake of the platonic relationship he managed to achieve with Lance after many years of fighting and being away from each other. He had thought about how he would stop loving Lance when he was traveling on the back of a whale with Krolia and Kosmo, but he had never come to a conclusion about how he would do that because, for him, it was impossible to stop loving Lance and he felt that the he would love forever, even if Lance never loved him or knew about his feelings that went beyond a platonic relationship.

Keith knew he wouldn't be rejected by Lance because he was a boy, no. He knew that Lance was bisexual and that he had confessed this to the team at a random time while they were preparing for the final battle. But Keith would be rejected by Lance because he wasn't Allura. And that hurt a lot, because he could never reach Allura's feet, not even if he was born again.

Now, there he was. Watching the members of Atlas celebrate victory after the previous night's battle as they hugged each other and smiled happy to be safe. He looked over at Shiro and could see him talking excitedly to Curtis about something that Keith couldn't hear, but that sounded good, as Curtis wrapped his arms around Shiro's neck and pulled him into a hug. Keith was happy for his brother, he had finally managed to recover from all the trauma he went through in the past and was still going through his mind about Adam's death.

Looking across the hallway in front of him, Keith smiled even wider when he saw Pidge imitating in her hand gestures what they had done in the battle with Honerva, acting out the entire fight as if she were acting it out for children enchanted by stories. of battle, but she was just explaining it to her family. Matt, who was standing next to them, caught Keith's eyes on them and waved excitedly at him. Keith returned the greeting and turned around again, now making his way to the meeting room, where he found Hunk and Shay - also hugging each other - and his friend's family.

They were really happy that the war was over, as they should be. Keith hated himself for not being able to feel this way just because he witnessed the love of Lance's life saying she always loved him and then walking to her death, leaving Lance.

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