• chapter three •

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Keith didn't know what to feel about James' desire to help him take care of people who needed help, but he didn't bring it up again while the MFE pilot was doing so well.

He took care of the little girl who was alone, but also helped other patients along with Keith. And by observing the way Griffin treated people, the paladin was able to see the change that James' personality had over the years, along with his physical changes.

After all the help they managed to offer the patients, the two men left the hospital wing after about an hour and a half and Keith - surprised at himself - offered to accompany James to the training room so that the older man could do what he really had to do before offering to help Keith with his duties.

They said goodbye with a friendly nod and Keith stood there near the training room until James was inside and actually started his workout to see his upper body movements. After seeing him start training, Keith smiled a little to himself and turned to follow his path through the Atlas corridors, this time not knowing where to go now.

After a few seconds of thinking about where to go and where not to go, Keith came to the conclusion that he would go to his own room and wait for the next day, where he would see Lance and if he was okay as Keith wanted and wanted him to be, then He made his way down the dorm hallways again and entered his room, which Keith had now realized was directly across from Lance's.

Keith thought it would be best for him to take a quick shower, just to analyze everything that had happened throughout the afternoon and early evening and put everything separately in mental folders in his mind.

The day hadn't been that bad. They were happy for the victory of the battle the night before and the end of the war, then Keith went to check on Lance's condition as he hadn't seen him since last night when they returned from the fight. And after seeing Lance, James came up to him after they bumped into each other in the hallway and apologized to him for what he did as kids.

It wasn't that Keith was still insecure about James coming up to him and apologizing for all the times he teased him as a child and this one time in particular, but deep down, Keith was a little confused, because James didn't used to be like that. . Then a huge wave of thoughts about why James was being so cool and...adult, went through the paladin's head.

And this tormented Keith's head for the next few hours, until the next day everything began to be prepared for the celebration of the end of the war and also the preparations for a new life that everyone managed to have with the end of the war, that is, everything would go back to the way it was, just with a few extra things, like aliens who were your friends and partners in Atlas.

The union was a good thing, even more so after everything that had happened both in space and on Earth. That's what Allura wanted and that's what she managed to do...

"If only she were here to see what she did...", Keith thought as he got up from the bed and prepared for another new day at Atlas.

After leaving the room that Iverson had provided for him and the rest of his team, Keith looked at the door to Lance's room and took a deep breath as he thought about whether he should go there and check on him, see if he was okay or if he was as bad as the night before. And after a few seconds, taking Keith out of his thoughts about the other paladin and his well-being, Pidge's bedroom door opened and she quickly left her intimate space, attracting the red paladin's attention.

As if she felt someone else's eyes on her, Pidge looked up and saw Keith standing in front of his bedroom door, watching her calmly but also looking sleepy and tired. The green paladin gave her companion a brief smile and approached him cautiously, knowing that Keith didn't like it when a person approached him quickly and by surprise, even from the front.

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