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Sorry guys the last one was so rushed I was busy and I forgot to finish the day before


I woke up and got ready for school actually excited to go because I can see Korra.
I got on my motorcycle and rode it to school. I parked going inside to breakfast knowing Korra would be there and even tho I never ate breakfast.
I went in to see her at her usual table but back facing me, weird she always faces towards my table.

I tapped her shoulder and as She turned around I saw she had a bandaid on her nose multiple bruises on her cheeks and very purple and black spot around her eye. "Oh my god Korra what happened" I asked concerned.

"Asami please just stay away from me." She said in a whisper tone like she tdidn't want somebody else to hear.

"What are you talking about we were literally-" I was cut off by her walking out quickly.Something is wrong she wouldn't just ignore for no reason. I felt hands wrapped around me and I smelt grape flavored vape scent it made me nauseated.

"Hey babe.." I heard him say from behind me, "Hey.." I said awkwardly.
"Damn where is the love.." he said, "sorry i was just a little distracted " I hesitated to kiss him,I was supposed to break up with him yesterday but I was kinda scared that if I did he would get aggressive.

I'll will at the end of the week..

"I have to get to class see you." I said as I walked away and walked to my class that korra was in. I noticed she had moved herself in the far corner of the class so I would have to get up to talk to her and our teacher would not allow that.

I saw her avoid eye contact with me like she was being held at gun point. Why is she being like this why won't she just tell me..

I stared at her most of the class to see if I can get her to glimpse at me..but she didn't, somebody is doing this to her like her face I have to find opal or Jinora they might know.

I saw Jinora and jogged little to her "Jinora" I said and she turned to me
"Do you know what's going on with Korra" I asked

She was silent for a moment then spoke " I'm sorry I can't tell you Don't ask opal she will give the same answer just stay away from Korra"

She walked away, Fuck..Somebody is doing this who though..

~Time skip~
It was after school and Korra should be there at practice , I got there and I didn't see her only Mako, where did she go is she really trying to avoid me that badly...

She wouldn't just ignore me after what happened Saturday and Friday.

~Time skip to Thursday~

She's still ignoring At this point I'm gonna go to her house. I was in my last bell and instead of going to his practice knowing she wasn't gonna be there I left with the other students. I rode my motorcycle to her house.

I parked it and got off going up to the door and knocking on it.

I heard the lock clock and I backed up a little bit, I opened it to see Korra but as soon as she saw me she tried to slam the door but i held it open with my hand.

"Asami please go away it's for your on good.." She said sounding desperate.
"Korra just tell what's wrong please I know you wouldn't just ignore for no reason, please Korra." I begged her while looking at her.

I Prefer Her (Korrasami)Where stories live. Discover now