Chapter 1 Trapped

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"Hey there Selah!" I heard the cheery voice of my friend Siren call out for me. I slowly opened my violet eyes and saw Siren poking her head out of the water. Still groggy from the nap I I had just taken on a warm rock I had found while scouting, I looked at her questionly. "Uh, oh hi. Is it time for lunch already?" I said yawning and rubbing off the crust from my eyes. "No, but the wave reader predicted a very awful storm was approaching, and as the scout master I had decided to pair you with Nami to get some supplies and food. Can you do that for me?" Siren asked, her ice blue eyes soft with question. "Fine but she has to meet me here." I said resting my head on my arms ready to take another nap. "No need she said signaling to someone under the water, not long after Nami poked her head out too. Her ocean blue eyes looking at me, her eyes glowing with joy. I looked down at them from my rock. "Alright then, let's get to it!" I exclaimed and I shot my self forward diving into the water beside them. Not long after they folled me under the water and Siren handed us both two lists each. "Ready set go!" Me and Nami exclaimed in unison. "Wait!" Called out to us before we coul get to far. "The wave reader coral said you have to be back before sundown so the pod can escape the storm." Siren warned us. "Yes, ok we will." I said somewhat annoyed then bolted off, Nami not far behind. Let's head to the coral reef first. "Ok." Nami said. A few minutes later we were at the coral reef. We both looked down at our lists. "Seaweed, plankton,crab, shrimp. Easy enough, did you bring the netting?" I asked Nami,"yep! Right in here!" She said padding her orange satchel. "Alright then I'll take care of the plankton and seaweed, while you go find the crabs and shrimp. Got it?" I commanded her. "Yes ma'm!" She saluted me and swam deeper to the coral reef, off her ocean blue tail glistening. I smiled and made my way to outer sides of the reef where the seaweed was. Nami is so silly, I thought to myself. She always finds a way to make me smile. "Well anyways," I said interrupting  my own thoughts."I have to start working!"

Three hours passed, the time passing like the waves way above my head. I worked diligently, but from time to time I would get bored of the quiet and I would sing a song. Being a mermaid I had a graceful voice almost like the waves that danced above my head. While I was casting a spell to trap a small swarm of plankton into a magical bubble, I heard a voice call out my name, causing my to lose concentration and the plankton. I turned somewhat annoyed, who would be calling out my name when I'm obviously busy! I thought to myself angry. But my face quickly softened when I saw Nami poke her head out of the kelp. "Oh! There you are there Selah! I've been looking for you, got everything?" Nami asked. A wide smile was splattered across her face, waiting for me to say yes so we could play around before we would have to go home. I looked down at my nets. One was stacked full with seaweed the other, had about 7 to 8 bubbles of plankton. "Hmm... Well, I think we have enough. What do you think?" I asked, looking over to her nets. They were packed full with those little  crustaceans. "Yep! I think we do!" I exclaimed as I swam passed Nami,nodding my head. Signaling for her to follow me, which she did without a doubt. I quickly led her to the edge of the kelp forest, where we set nets down in a cave were no one would steal them. Then swiftly turned to her, smirking at her. She knew what this meant, it's time to play. I slowly brought my arms up and pounced, but Nami quickly slipped out from my reach and bolted off. Even though I was 19 and Nami was 17 we still liked to play, and chase each other around. Other menfolk think of us as immature or childish, but to us these games that we play are very fun. We swam with ease we swiftly swam passed obstacles that obstructed our routs, doing anything to through the other one off our tails. Going through passed and through corals that were in front of us, from us switching back and forth from chasing and being chased. I had found my self at the edge of the coral reef. I could see the sun begin to set and in the distance not that far away from us, was something big floating on the surface of the water. I froze. I-it was a boat! I had al ays herd stories from the elders in our pod of these objects that were called "boats" that floated on the water's surface. They didn't look like much harm,but creatures much like us, would ride on them. And they would cause harm and destruction to us menfolk, but I had never seen one since the reef was closed off from fishing and swimming. I stayed there frozen in terror. A few moments later Nami joined me. She too, stood still. We floated there in silence gazing apon something we thought was just a tale. "I-Is that-" Nami stuttered, breaking the silence from this surreal moment. "Yes..." I whispered back. Realization then ever so slowly creeped into my head. This thing is coming right at us, and fast. Still keeping my eyes on the boat, I whispered to Nami. "Swim....." Nami quickly faced me, terror filled her blue eyes. "What I'm not leaving you!" She yelled at me. "But someone has to warn the pod!" I snapped, my heart dropped to my stomach to the words I was about to say, "You have to leave me, you need to warn the pod..." I said slowly a lump in my throut chocked me as I said the last few words. "Get away while you can while I get the nets." I commanded loudly. While my eyes where still fixed to the boat, I saw Nami swing in the direction to where the pod's camp was located. The boat was now closer than ever. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath from my gills and swallowed the lump. Then dove straight down to where the nets where located. But then a huge, heavy net dreapted it's self on my body pining me to the rock bellow me. My head hit the rock with force but not enough to knock me out. I struggled as the net started to snag in my tail and fins. The water around me started tinted pink. Was I bleeding?  Not wanting to give up yet, I pulled on the net furiously. I didn't want to go down without a fight. Then I felt the net begin to be raise. My arms and tail were all wrapped and it was getting harder and harder to move. By the time I had broke the water's surface, I was too exhausted and tied up to move. I laied inside the net, limp. Until I felt the net around me being loseened, then I felt body slam on a hard, dry surface. "Oh my god!- it's" a voice softly said. "A mermaid-" another voice muttered.

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