Chapter 3 The stranger

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Light pored in my face, leaving me blind and confused. W-where am I? And why do I have so many bandages on me? I asked myself, my head throbbing. I viewed my soroundings for an answer. I was in the corner of a room inside a tub of some sort, and there was a medium sized window I front of me. Well, that explains the light that was disturbing me. I thought to myself and then continued my observations. Beside me a few feet away was a counter with cabinets sorounding it, and next to those a smaller oddly shaped tub. I wonder what that's for? With not enough time to think about an answer the door to the room opened revealing a light browned hair Italian carrying a plater. Terrified I reatreated to the far edge of the tub, causing a large splash and small waves inside the water filled tub. "Ah, good~a morning Bella~. Did you rest~a well~?" He asked putting the tray down at the edge of the tub and sitting next to it. I nodded, too scared to say a word. "Oh, sorry where are my~a manners. My name is Vargas. Vaneciano Vargas~! But~a,  just~a call me Feli~. Ok ? Do you~a want some pasta~?" I nodded and Feli passed me a plate pasta. I took the plate cautiously, it smells so good. My mouth started to water I hadn't eaten since before I went to patrol yesterday evening. I hesitantly took the metal object that laid on the plate and scooped some of the pasta on it. Through this whole process, even though his eyes where closed,"Feli" stared contently. Just waiting. Why is he staring? Did he poison the food and is waiting for me to eat it?.... No, can he? I thought to myself, but curiosity and hunger won, and took the mouthful of pasta and began to eat. It was delicious! I had never eaten something as good as that pasta, and soon found my self stuffing more and more of it into my mouth. "Isn't it~a good~" Veneciano said, a joyful smile spread wide across his face. Having a mouth full of pasta I returned the smile and nodded. "Wait, so you can understand~a me? Can you~a talk? Oh, and what's your~a name?" He asked, still having a mouthful of pasta I nodded and swallowed. "My name is Selah, were you the one who saved me last night?" I asked remembering the night before. "Ah yes, that's~a was me." I was~a taking a walk last~a night when I saw~a you fall from that~a truck." Veneciano replied in a somewhat worried tone. "I~a went to check if you were ok and I~a saw you had lost~a a lot of blood." He paused, his voice was now more worried than ever. " but~a then, I carried you~a to my~a house and wrapped you~a up really nice, and put you~a in here!" He exclaimed cheerfully, trying to lighten up the mood. "Oh, that~a reminds me. Are you~a feeling better Bella?" He asked looking at my bandages. "Yes! Thank you so much Feli, feel a lot better than when I was last night. Oh, and my name is Selah, not Bella." I stated my voice changing to a cheerful tone to a more serious tone. "Oh, s-sorry, I just~a like calling you~a that. I'm~a sorry." He said with very innocent, and sorry tone. As I looked at him, I couldn't help but fell sorry for what I had said and that I had made him upset. "Oh, ok. You can call me what ever you want, after all you are my savior..." I retorted and looked away blushing a little. Then I felt two arms wrap around me tight. At first I was confused and terrified, until a few seconds later I heard Veneciano's voice. "Yay! Bella! Bella! Bella! Bella!" He repeated over and over. "Ok, ok." I said giggling. He hugged tighter laughing with me, then slowly let go and steppeded back. "Well, Selah do you~a like some more pasta?" He said giving a soft simile. I nodded and handed him my plate. He took it happy and exited the room almost bouncing with joy, then closing the door behind himself. I smiled at the door waiting for him to come back. I've never warmed up to a stranger that fast, I thought perplexed. Even though I'm very social, it takes time to gain my trust. I thought about it deeply, but for some odd reason not really concerned at all about it. Maybe it was the sweetness in his smile or the warmth of his hug... Just with those thoughts my face began to get hot, I slapped my checks trying to calm down my raging blush. "Yep it was those..." I whined, my blush was disappearing but my checks stung from the slaps. I took a deep breath and sighed as I slid in to the water of the tub. I closed my eyes and felt the cool air swift through my fins that hang out the side of the tub. Then feel my heart pound softly and my breathing calm. And thought of the stranger that rescued me, Veneciano.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey guys I hope you liked the story and sorry for not updating as much school started and my life has been topsy-turvy.
I hope your lives are going better than mine
Well next chapter is coming right up so
Hasta la pasta~!

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