Chapter 6 Pool fun!

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Veneciano burst through the door bright smile on his face. "Oh, hey Feli. What's up?" I said as straightened my back to get a better look from the tub where I was at. "Hello Selah, I have a really nice~a surprise for~a you!" He sung gleefully. "Cool, what is is?" I said leaning to one side of the tub to try to see if he was hiding something behind his back. "Well I~a have to~a take you to it." Veneciano smiled sweetly. "Um ok, but....I can't walk on land Feli. How am I supposed to go with you?" I asked curiously. He tuned around, his back facing me. "Get on my~a back." "What?" "Get on my~a back and I'll~a carry you." He encouraged me. "Uh...ok?" I retorted. I hesitantly reached for him and crawled on his back. As he picked me up he began trembling and I was afraid he was going to drop me but he situated himself and we began to move. He slowly began to make our way out of the bathroom. After a a minuet or two of walking in a hallway we made our way down a flight of rickety stairs and Veneciano almost slipped a few times. But after a that we stepped outside, I covered my eyes from the harsh light above and then looked down. An familiar silvery reflection caught my eye, water. "F-Feli what's going on? What is this?" I said awestruck. "It's~a called a pool~! It's~a what humans use to~a swim. Because you were~a almost healed up I~a thought it'd be~a ok for~a you to~a swim~!" He sung cheerfully, as we walked down the stairs and into the water. I slid off his back and into the cool water. I started to swim around the pool Feli close behind on a floaty. The pool wasn't exactly deep, only 8 or 10 feet deep, but it was enough for me to swim comfortably. "Do you~a like it Selah?" He said from the edge of the pool with a sweet smile. I swam up to him. "Yes Feli it's perfect!" I sighed as I fell back on the surface of the water and floated around a bit. "Glad to~a hear it. I had to~a change the~a pool water from~a chlorine to salt. Just to~a make you~a comfortable." He chimed. "Aw, thanks Feli~" I replied. "You're~a very welcome Selah~!" He shot his usually bright smile at me. I returned it but then was splashed in the face by water. I gasped at the unexpected reaction from Veneciano. I glanced at him and all he did was give me a devilish smile. "Oh, ok Feli. I see how it is. But just to let you know, I'm not playing your childish games." I said swimming away calmly. Feli just looked at me confused, and leaned over the edge a bit. I dove under water and ever so slowly swam underneath his feet. He leaned even closer to the waters edge. I bolted from the bottom of the pool, breaking the waters surface and was in the air. Feli let out a screech when he finally figured out what was going on and tried to get out of the way, but it was too late. I tackled Veneciano from above, he squeaked on impact. "Hahaha, that's what you get for messing with me Feli! HAHAHAHAHA!"I said between chuckles, slipping off of Feli and sat next to him. At first he didn't move all that much, just the small rise and fall from his chest." Feli? A-are you ok?" I asked, panic started to crawl from the back of my mind. "F-Feli? W-Wake up! Y-You're scaring me." I reached my arms and shook him somewhat violently. Out of nowhere Veneciano jumped up and pushed us both into the water. I let out a terrified squeal. "Feli! You scared me!" I said as my head broke the waters surface. Feli brought his head above the water and began to laugh. "You're~a face! It was~a priceless!" He chuckled, when Veneciano calmed down he let the rest of his body float up. For a good while he just floated around the pool. I stayed underwater, quietly plotting my revenge. I slowly swam under Feli, quietly casting a spell underneath my breath. As I finished the spell I was only inches away from Feli. I yanked Feli under the water, only a gargle escaped his lips as he tried to scream. He thrashed around and tried his best to get away from me. All I could do was laugh."Feli, stop. It's ok. You're not going to drown!" I finally let out. Feli immediately stop. I felt him take a breath and then look at me in astonishment. "H-how did y-you~a do that?" He muttered. "I casted a spell before I dragged you down here. I basically put an air bubble around your head." A said smiling and letting him go. He felt around his head, there was an obvious form of a bubble around his head. "Ve~. Wow Bella I didn't know you could do magic!" He exclaimed. "Yeah just a bit, but not as much as my friends Nami and Siren. Nami is a 17 year old magical prodigy! Maybe the next pod wave reader one day. And Siren, she's a few years older than me and has picked up a lot of magic. She was even a wave reader apprentice! But she was rejected..." I said quietly." But that doesn't matter. Let's just have fun, come on Feli!" I chimed and swam away. Beckoning Veneciano to chase after me to play. "Oh, ok!" He smiled then chased after me in glee. "Ha can't catch me!" I said playfully as I rushed away from him. "No fair Bella! You've~a got fins!" Veneciano laughed as he tried to catch me. I quickly dodged his grab and swam above him, bursting out of the water and landing in the shallower side of the pool. Feli came after me still below the water. "Liking your new underwater freedom?" I asked sarcastically. He only laughed and chased after me again.
We played like this for a good while or so before Feli got too tiered and had to lay in his floaty. We were just hanging out together and talking about ourselves like we always do. I found out that he had an older brother, Lovino, and how he was always grumpy. And that he had two really good friends Ludwig and Kiku. He also told me that Ludwig was the one that almost found me and he told me even though he might look a bit scary he's a really nice guy. Also that Kiku is pretty cool too, Veneciano said that he was amazing at art and he was sort of mysterious on how he usually never spoke. I told him of my life in the ocean. How I lived with my pod and that I had a few annoying younger brothers and an older sister that I barely saw. And my best friends in the pod and how each and every one of them were amazing in their own ways. It seemed like Feli had endless questions about my life. And I wanted to tell him all about it. "How do all of you live? I mean, where do you live?" "There's a small trench next to the reef. And we all live in a big house that was carved into the wall of the trench, everyone together. Of corse we all live in different parts of it." I explained. "Oh. I remember you were~a talking about, oh what~a was it? Immigration? No. Oh I forgot." He puffed his checks in frustration. "Migration Feli, it was migration." I said laughing. "Oh, I knew that~!" He retorted and flashing me a smile. "Well what~a was that~a all about?" He asked. "Well, every other year. My pod migrates across the ocean to another coral reef, we stay there for 3 months while the available females look for a mate and eat from the abundant food from there and we all go back home." I replied looking and turned to answer another of Veneciano. But instead of him asking another question, his cheeks started to tint pink. And that's when it hit me and I myself became as flustered as his and he finally asked the question. "I-is it~a mating s-season?" He managed to stutter out. I chocked on my words. And all his thoughts fluttering in his head was plastered on his face. "Do y-you-a have a mate?!? Were you-a going to-a go there and do it!?!" He started to back away. "N-NO!" I started screaming. "No! We just l-look for them! Then they stay with us and we have a ceremony that says we're a family, and we...... But I haven't! This year was my first time actually participating." I said a nervous and blushing mess. "S-so like marriage? It sounds like a human ceremony of when a couple become a union and a family." Veneciano said calming down. "I guess so. But I don't think I would of gotten a mate..." I trailed off. "Why do you~a think that? You're~a really pretty and a good~a person." He said giving me a warm smile." Thanks Feli but, mermen typically like a sensitive and frail mermaids....and I'm not like that. I'm not that sensitive." I said looking down at the pool water. "Oh~a come on! You're~a amazing! You~a have a great~a personality, and you are~a beautiful! Your~a hair is the~a perfect brown not too~a light and not too~a dark. Your~a skin is a beautiful sun kissed~a tan and your~a violet eyes are~a bright and lively. And your~a tail is a lovely transition from~a violet to indigo. You're~a really fun to~a hang around. And you're~a funny and your~a laughter is~a cute and makes me~a smile." As Feli kept on described me he had a light, soft smile like he was saying it all by heart, but my own heart, rejected that as who I wasn't. When he was done I was blushing lightly and my thoughts were scattered all over my brain. When he turned to me he saw me blushing and began to flush a light pink again, and scrambled to find the right words to say to me. "S-Sorry if I~a said to much..." He said rubbing his neck shyly. I gave a soft giggle but that was when I noticed the sun had set and darkness was looming over us right now. "It got~a dark really quickly didn't it bella?" Feli said rubbing his eyes, clearly tired. I gave a soft smile. "Yes, Feli go put on some dry clothes and go to bed I'm fine here." I said helping him out of the floaty and on to the shallow end of the pool. "Buona notte bella." Muttered out. "Good night Feli." I replied back and I saw him get out of the pool and go into his house.

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