„ Who? "

15 0 0

* Grians POV *

Pearl created ' Boatem crew '
Pearl added you
Pearl added 01234567890
Pearl added 09876543210
( I didn't want to put any actual numbers so... Yeah )
Pearl added Mumbo
Pearl changed the group's description
Pearl changes this group's icon

Pearl :  Hi!

01234567890 : Uh pearl who are these people?

09876543210 : Yea, why are we here?

Pearl : Well these are our friends! Well- My friends, but I just know all of you will get along! :)

Bold of you to assume that

Pearl : Haha very funny :\

Hey! Don't do that to me :(

Pearl : Yea, Yea, anyways do you guys wanna introduce yourselves or do you want me to do it?

Mumbo : How about we just introduce ourselves? I'll start. I'm mumbo jumbo, but you guys can just call me mumbo!

01234567890 : Well, Uhm, I'm scar! Scar goodtimes

09876543210 : I'm Impulse! Impulse SV!

Well I'm Grian!

09876543210 : WAIT! THE GRIAN??? THE FAMOUS MODEL!??


Pearl : Yes, he's a famous model.

09876543210 : Wait, how do you know??????

Pearl : I'm his older sister.


Pearl : Yea, Yea, but I'm still olderrr


Pearl : Well he was barely home, so you guys didn't see him ig. Anyways, we should save each other's number!

01234567890 : Sure!

* Sometime Later *

Pearl : Guysss 😢

Impulse : What pearl? It's literally like 12 in the morning.

Pearl : My dog Tilly died 😭😭

Scar : Aww no, what happened? ☹️

Pearl : He got ran over by a carr 😭😭

mumbo : Well where's grian? Isn't he there to comfort you?

Pearl : Grian's going to be home late so I'm alone 😭😞😟

Scar : What if we all sleepover tonight?

Mumbo : Isn't it a school night?

Impulse : and isn't it like 12 in the morning?

Scar : aww, come on guys it'll be fun!And grian can join when hes back! And school start at 10 today! We have plenty of time

Impulse : I don't know. I mean it Is a school night

Scar : Oh can you just forget about some ' education ' for one day? I mean  like, your LITERALLY Getting straight A's. Btw pearl I'm gonna arrive in 10, ok!

Pearl : Ok, thanks scar

Impulse : Fine I'm coming.

Mumbo : I'm coming too!

Scar : Besides we can get to know each other better!


* Later at night *

Mumbo : Hey impulse are you awake? If you are then did you see them?

Impulse : yes, I'm awake. But who?

Mumbo : THEM.

Impulse : OH THEM! Yea I took a picture.

Pearl : Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to fucking sleep? And what's with this ' ThEm ' Thing?

Mumbo : Scar and Grian are CUDDLING!!!

Pearl : .....

Impulse : Mumbo I heard a thud!



Mumbo : I Am STILL Wondering how Grian is still asleep.

Impulse : FR-

Mumbo : Oh- Pearls gone

Pearl : I'm not gone forever.

Mumbo : PEARL!!!

Pearl : Guys. Just go to sleep. We don't talk about it. Its late, It's 2 AM, Go to bed.

Mumbo : Yes mum!

Pearl : Mum?

Mumbo : I mean you take care of us and like teach us stuff like that, so your like a mum to me!

Pearl : Aww mumbo 😄, That's sweet. But go to bed. Now!

* The next day *

* Grians POV But irl *

I woke up confused on what's next to me, it was warm so I snuggled into it. I heard a chuckle that soon turned into a laugh. Wait no- Laughs or laughter. I woke up to see Scar next to me. I was cuddling him! It was so embarrassing!!

Words : 580
Sorry it's kinda bad, if it doesn't make sense, or your confused. Please feel free to ask anything and I will answer it as fast as I can!

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