Chapter 25

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The drive to the station was calm, with Minho and Changbin speaking about random topics. They had noticed Seungmin kept speeding past them, making them feel a bit worried and confused.

Pulling up to the station they watch as Seungmin parks quickly and goes to the front door holding it open for them. "Man.." Changbin says speeding up his parking.

The 2 quickly get down and walk to the door where the younger is waiting, "You okay Min?" Changbin asks. Minho and Changbin's attention going to the youngest.

Seungmin's eyes meet theirs and he nods. "I'll tell you later." He says as he walks in with the 2.

"Woah." Changbin says looking around. There were other Agents running around frantically. "How bad was it?" Seungmin asks glancing at Minho. Minho opens his mouth to answer only to be cut off.

Changbin turns his head to a close friend of his who's walking by, " Chaeryeong!" He yells out, the girl stops flipping the pages of the folder she's holding and looks at him.

"Oh there you are!" The girl said as she said walking up to them and bowing. The 3 doing the same. "What happened?" Changbin asked.

Chaeryeong lets out a small sigh, "It's kinda bad. Chief wants us in the meeting room c'mon." They give her a slight nod as they walk towards a room next to Ren's office.

Walking in, there's 8 medium sized tables lined up, 4 tables placed behind each other in rows of 2. A woman sat in one of the seats at the front row table by the entrance.

Lia, Lia Choi. Her and Minho entered the academy at the same time so they were familiar with each other.

They watch as Chaeryeong fist bumps Lia and walk to her seat. Chaeryeong decided to sit by the wall, resting her back on the wall and laying her legs on the chair next to her.

Lia's attention goes over to the boys making her stand up and bow her head. "Aish I told you not to do that!" Minho says as he gives her a friendly handshake, a laugh escaping both their lips.

"See I told you it would've been cool if we had a handshake." Changbin said to Chaeryeong, he sat at the table behind her, sitting the same way she did.

"No you didn't! I told you that!" Chaeryeong said sitting up straighter ready to defend herself. Minho placed himself next to Changbin, or rather Changbin's legs. Seungmin sat next to the older.

"So how's your task going?" Lia asks, turning her body slightly to face the men. The 2 girls watch as they exchange glances.

"Changbin slept with one of them already." Seungmin said resting his chin on the palm of his hand, a smirk on his face.

"Yah Kim Seungmin!" Changbin yells, putting his feet down. Lia and Minho burst into laughter as Chaeryeong shakes her head.

"Lia slept with one of them too." Chaeryeong says, Lia's laughter quickly halting. "What?! When did this become about me?!"

Changbin bursts into laughter before silence slowly falls. "No but seriously, how's your task going?" Seungmin asks this time.

Lia lets out a sigh, "Me and Chae have been on this task for 6 months now and to be honest, none of these people seem like criminals." Chae nods at her friend's words.

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