Chapter 26

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"Y'know i've known you long enough to know when something is bothering you." Ren said as she placed a chair infront of the table Seungmin sat at.

The younger nods, "They know." It doesn't take long for Ren to figure out what Seungmin is talking about. "Hm and what did you do about it?" Sighing Seungmin begins explaining.

"I'm not surprised..the kid had excellent grades in school, he's smart." Seungmin bites his lip thoughtlessly.

"What do we do? Do we back off the task?" The woman's eyes dart to his, "No, not until we figure everything out." He nods at the older woman's words before standing up.

"Your brother called earlier, they wanna have breakfast together." Seungmin halts his movements. "Yah don't worry I'll be there too so don't be late!"

Seungmin watches as the woman stands up, pushes her chair in before exiting the room. The boy releases a groan before letting out a string of curses.

He glances over at the group picture from earlier picking it up and staring at it. More like staring at a specific someone.

A bored sigh escaped Minho's lips as he stared at his ceiling. He laid on his couch, while a cat laid on his stomach.

He glanced over at the clock that was hung on the right side of his living room. 1:12p.m. He let out a small hum as his hand went to pet his cat, Soonie.

Minho decided to close his eyes while his hand remained petting Soonie. Letting out a relaxed breath as he tries to doze off. Many thoughts flowing through his head of a specific someone.

Minho's brows furrow as the ringing of a phone interrupts his thoughts . "Yah Soonie go get the phone." All he gets is a 'meow' in return before his eyes open.

Standing up and grabbing the phone, he answers, "This is Lee Min-ho" He says waiting for a response before a snort is heard.

"Hey Hyung!" The familiar voice of Hyunjin calls through the other side making Minho sit down. A small smile grows on Minho's face noticing the cheerful hint in Hyunjin's voice.

"Hey Hyunjin what's up?" He says as he sits back down and pats his lap, this time his other cat Dori lays on his lap. His hand instantly going to pet the cat's fur. "Chan wanted me to call you cause there's a race tonight."

Minho halts his movements. "Finally a race I can participate in?" He thinks as he listens to Hyunjin.

"Anyways come over later, we can have lunch and get ready for the race together like last time! So bring Changbin Hyung and Seungmin! " Hyunjin says.

"Ah okay! Do you guys need me to bring anything?" Minho says as he stands up stretching his body. "Hm nah but bring extra clothes if you want in case you guys stay over."

Minho nods before they both say goodbye and hang up. He turns to look at Soonie, who was currently lying on his back looking at Minho.

"Look Soonie looks like I get to see Jisungie again!" He says looking at the cat with a toothy grin before his face falls.

The fuck am I doing? Why am I so excited?

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